油墨特性 Characteristic : Vantan S系列是一款慢干性哑光PVC丝印油墨。颜色鲜艳、遮盖力佳、油墨细腻、墨层柔软、印刷性好、丝印不拉丝,可大面积印刷、可吸塑成型。 Vantan S series is a slow drying matte PVC screen printing ink. Colorful, good coverage, fine printing ink, soft ink layer, good printing performance, no wire drawing in screen printing, suitable for large area printing and plastic sucking moulding. 适用范围 Applied range: 适合印刷聚氯乙烯(PVC)等塑胶材料,应用于玩具、包装、广告、文具等行业。 Suitable for printing on PVC and other plastic materials, used in toys, packaging, ads, stationery and so on. 使用方法Method of use : u 稀释剂:根据印刷方式和环境条件添加10%左右稀释剂调节油墨稀稠度。 u Diluent: add about 10% diluent to adjust the consistence of printing ink according to the printing method and environmental conditions. u 自然干燥(25°C表干约需10分钟,实干24小时以上。 u Natural drying(25℃) : surface drying takes 10 minutes, solid drying takes more than 24 hours.