安姆斯检测 联系人:冯先生 QQ2996341118 电话021-61853750 13917952649
纺织品、服装、鞋类和皮革产品测试 Textile, Garment,Footwearand Leather Products Testing
安姆斯纺织品检测中心严格按照ISO 17025质量管理体系建立,拥有非常完善的检测仪器和设备以及经验丰富的检测工程师,具备向社会出具公正检测数据的能力。ATC通过分布在珠三角、长三角和香港的二十多个代表处,为客户提供便捷、周到的一站式服务。
服务产品范围Products testing services ☆皮革 ☆织物面料 ☆鞋类 ☆箱包 ☆功能性衣服 Leather Fabric Footwear Case and Box Functional Garment ☆成衣 ☆纤维与纱线 ☆羽绒产品 ☆防晒衣服 ☆服装辅料 Garment Fiber and yarn Feather products Sun Protection Clothing Garment accessories
仪器和设备Testing Facilities 为确保出具检测数据的准确度和精密度,安姆斯纺织品检测中心严格按照EN, ISO, GB, AATCC, ASTM等标准的要求配备了先进的仪器和设备,包括: ☆电脑伺服控制万能材料强度试验机 Computer servo control universal materials testing systems ☆ADL ATLAS日晒牢度机 ADL ATLAS weatherometer ☆全自动缩水率试验机 Automatic shrinkage tester ☆立式低温弯折试验机 Vertical type freezing tester ☆Martindale摩擦试验机 Martindale abrasion tester ☆气相色谱和质谱联用仪(GC-MS) Shimazu Angilent and GC-MS ☆电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES) Thermo ScientificICP-OES ☆各种色牢度测试仪和起毛起球试验机等 Other equipment for color fastness and pilling,etc.
测试标准Testing Standards
测试服务项目Testing Items ★强度测试Strength tests ☆拉伸强力 ☆接缝强力 ☆粘合强力 ☆胀破强力 ☆撕裂强力 Tensile Strength Seam Performance Bonding Strength Bursting Strength Tearing Strength
★纤维成份分析Fiber composition analysis ☆纤维定性分析 ☆纤维定量分析 Fiber Qualitative Analysis Fiber Quantitative Analysis
★色牢度测试Color fastness tests ☆耐唾液色牢度 ☆耐水色牢度 ☆汗渍色牢度 ☆耐洗色牢度 To Saliva To Water To Perspiration To Washing ☆耐干热色牢度 ☆耐氯漂色牢度 ☆非氯漂色牢度 ☆干洗色牢度 To dry Heat To Chlorine Bleaching To Non-chlorine Bleaching To Dry cleaning ☆日晒色牢度 ☆耐碱斑色牢度 ☆耐热压色牢度 ☆耐漂白色牢度 To Light To Alkaline Spotting To Hot Pressing To Bleaching ☆摩擦色牢度 ☆耐水斑色牢度 ☆耐酸斑色牢度 ☆耐海水色牢度 To Rubbing/Crocking To Water Spotting To Acid Spotting To Sea-water
★性能测试Performance tests ☆耐磨性能 ☆透湿性 ☆透气性 ☆抗毛性 Abrasion Resistance Water Vapour Transmission Air Permeability Pilling Resistance ☆织物褶皱回复性 ☆防水性 ☆防油性 Wrinkle Recovery Water Repellency Oil Repellency
★尺寸变化率测试Dimensional stability (shrinkage) tests ☆水洗缩率测试 ☆干洗缩率 ☆洗涤后外观 Dimensional Stability to Washing Dimensional Stability to Dry Cleaning Appearance After Laundering
★织物组织结构分析Fabric construction tests ☆织物密度 ☆纱支 ☆织物厚度 ☆织物组织类别 Threads Per Unit Length Counts Of Yarn Fabric Thickness Type Of Weave ☆幅宽 ☆布重 A单位面积布重 B单位长度布重 Fabric Width Fabric Weight Per Unit Area Per Running Yardage
★燃烧测试Flammability tests ☆纺织品燃烧性能 ☆家具防火测试 Textiles Flammability Flame Retardancy of Upholstered Furniture ☆地毯燃烧测试 ☆床上用品燃烧度 Surface Flammability of Carpets And Rugs Burning Behavior of Bedding Items ☆家具填充物燃烧测试 Flame Resistance of Filling Materials Used in Furniture
★纤维及纱线测试Fibre & Yarn tests ☆纤维直径 ☆纤维线密度(纤维细度)☆纱线强力 ☆條干均匀度(CV%) Fibre Diameter Linear Density Tenacity Of Yarn Yarn Evenness ☆纤维熔点 ☆捻度 ☆纱线线密度(纱支) Melting Point Of Fibres Twist Per Unit Length Yarn Count
★化学有害物质检测Chemical Hazardous Substancetests ☆pH值 ☆甲醛 ☆重金属溶出 ☆总铅 pH Value Formaldehyde Heavy Metals Extractable Total Lead ☆六价铬 ☆邻苯二甲酸盐 ☆偶氮染料 ☆总鎘 Chromium(VI) Phthalates AZO Dye Total Cadmium ☆镍释放量 ☆致敏性分散染料 ☆致癌染料 ☆多氯联苯 Nickel Release Allergenic Disperse Dyes Carcinogen Dyes Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCBS) ☆有机锡 ☆阻燃剂 ☆聚氯乙稀 ☆多氯三联苯 Organictin Flame Retardants Polyvinyl Chloride Polychlorinated Terphenyls(PCTs) ☆邻苯基酚 ☆生物灭杀剂 ☆气味 ☆五氯苯酚 OPP Biocide Sensory Pentachlorophenol(PCP) ☆四氯苯酚 ☆三氯苯酚 ☆烷基酚 ☆氯化有机载体 Tetrachlorophenol(TeCP) Trichlorophenol(TCP) Alkylphenol(AP) Chlorinated Organic Carriers ☆挥发性有机化合物 ☆烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APEO)
★羽绒产品测试Feather product tests ☆含水量 ☆耗氧量 ☆可溶性杂质 Moisture Content Oxygen Number Determination of Solvent Soluble Matter ☆蓬松度 ☆酸性测试 ☆填充物净重 Filling Power Acidity Net weight of Filling Material ☆含油脂量 ☆水混性测试 ☆羽绒净重 Oli And Fat Content Turbidity of Extract Net Weight of Feather ☆羽绒成份分析 ☆纤维穿透性测试 ☆绒穿透测试 Composition Analysis Fibre Penetration Test Penetration Resistance of Cloth to Feather
★其它测试Other tests ☆防紫外线光系数 ☆色差评定 ☆洗涤标签建议 Ultraviolet Protection Factor Color Difference Assessment Care Label Recommendation ☆紫外线穿透力 ☆服装规格测量 Penetration of Solar UVR Garment Size Measurement
纺织品检测中心获得资质 Textile Testing Center Qualification CNAS:中国合格评定国家认可委员会 China National Accreditation Service for conformity Assessment ILAC-MRA国际实验室认可合作组织多边承认协议International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement 美国消费品安全委员会认可实验室 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) |