The Ethernal™ SlowLight™ laser from Orbits Lightwave is an industry leading
ultra-stable, low noise fiber laser. The breakthrough “virtual ring” laser
oscillator enables traveling wave and slow light oscillation in a compact,
linear, all fiber cavity. Traveling wave oscillation results in higher power,
lower noise and a higher sidemode suppression ratio. SlowLight™ technology
effectively increases the cavity lifetime resulting in ultra low FM and AM noise
The Ethernal™ SlowLight™ fiber laser represents a new benchmark
in laser performance. The highly integrated and robust fiber laser utilizes
passive stabilization and eliminates the necessity for wavelength and
temperature control. StableLase™ technology greatly reduces the susceptibility
to shock and vibration by more than five orders of magnitude. This enables the
Ethernal™ SlowLight™ fiber laser to operate at unprecedented levels of stability
and performance for demanding industrial or military applications.
• Linewidth < 400Hz
• Optical signal to noise > 80dB
• Sidemode suppression
ratio > 75dB
• Lowest amplitude and phase noise in
the industry
Compact all-fiber “virtual ring”
• StableLase™ reduces
sensitivity to
shock and vibration by five orders of
• High
power single oscillator > 350mW
• Acoustic sensing, marine and perimeter security
LIDAR, ALSM or laser altimetry
• Injection seed lasers
• Coherent Communications
• RF and
microwave photonics
• Spectroscopy, gas absorption testing
• Pipeline
monitoring, leak detection
• Defense, motion & intrusion detection
Oil and gas exploration systems
• Metrology
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