你好!我是欧春花:15112684264/QQ 1047939034,非常感谢您用宝贵的时间来这里看看,欢迎随时来电咨询!
EN 301 511: V7.0.2
EN 301 908-1/ EN 301 908-2
EN 301 489-01: v1.3.1 / v1.4.1
EN 301 489-07: v1.1.1 / v1.2.1
EN 50360 / CENELEC
EN 50361 / CENELEC
EN 60950
EN 62209-1:2005
Type: RF/Telecom device
Authority: PTA
Certification method: Certification
Lead time: 6 weeks
Local testing request: No
Local representative request: No
Document request: 1. CE/FCC report and certificates
2. User manual
3. External photo
4. Internal photo
5. Block diagram
6. Schematics
Sample q'ty: 1 set
Remark: All Cellular Mobile handsets and GMPCS sets (Thuraya) are exempt from type approval, however all FWTs (Fixed Wireless Terminals) possessing the same features will be type approved.
Class 2 & Class 3 Bluetooth devices are exempted from Type Approval however, equipment operating at working range of more than 10 meters will be type approved. Moreover the hearing devices are also exempted from type approval.