超高分子量聚乙烯轴套(UHMWPE)-性能特点: 使用寿命高于钢质,耐磨性是炭钢及不锈钢的3~7倍;摩擦系数小,自润滑,不吸水、不粘结物料,抗冲击性强度高,综合机械性能好,耐酸、碱、盐腐蚀、不老化,耐低温,卫生无毒,重量轻,比重是钢材的1/8.因此,是用做散装物料储存及运输设备衬里的最佳材料,如储仓,流槽等。广泛应用在电力、钢厂、煤矿等等行业中。 超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)板材具有高耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐冲击、自润滑,可制作装煤、水泥、石灰、矿粉、盐、谷物类粉状材料的料斗、料仓、滑槽的衬里。由于它具有优良的耐摩性、自润滑性及不粘性,使上述粉状材料对储运设备,不发生粘附现象,保证稳定运输。
1 high abrasion resistance: in the present is all engineering plastic in uhmw-pe wear-resisting performance is best, the most notable. The higher the molecular weight of material is more wear-resisting, even many metal materials (such as carbon steel, stainless steel, bronze, etc.). Uhmw-pe pipe, for example, under the condition of strong corrosion and high wear life is just tube 4 to 6 times, and improve the transmission efficiency of 20%. To fully demonstrate the "energy saving, environmental protection, economic and efficient".
Corrosion resistance: from corrosion in lye, in 75% of sulfuric acid, nitric acid of 20% can be stable, it for sea water, liquid detergent is also stable.
3 extremely low coefficient of friction, static friction coefficient is 007, good self-lubrication, is an ideal bearings, bushings, slider, lining material. Selection of uhmw-pe most equipment friction parts, besides can improve the wear life, can also receive energy saving effect.
4 impact resistance, impact resistance among the top of the plastic, whether strong impact force, or internal pressure fluctuation, can make its cracking. The impact strength of nylon 66 is 10 times, 20 times of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ptfe eight times, especially in low temperature environment, the impact strength maximum instead, its flexibility for conveying system provides a very safe and reliable protection.
5 aging resistance, stable performance, good aging resistance, ground, underground buried, aging in 50 years. According to ASTM method determination of 4.6 kg/cm2 (load), thermal deformation temperature 85 ℃, the temperature can reach 90 ℃, under special circumstances, allow use at higher temperatures. Uhmw-pe is a wayward excellent material, it also is very good, good low temperature resistance performance of the in - is still has some 269 ℃ low temperature ductility, without brittle signs. But larger linear expansion coefficient, heat conduction performance is very poor, so when designing products, to give full attention.
Performance: the volume resistance, the breakdown voltage of up to 50 kv/mm. Dielectric constant of 2.3 in relatively wide temperature and frequency range, suitable for electrical engineering structure materials.
7 health non-toxic: uhmw-pe tasteless, non-toxic, odourless, itself no corrosive, has physiological inertia and physiological adaptability. The us food and drug administration (FDA) and the United States of agriculture (USDA) allows it for special occasions in contact with the food and drug.