高精度微型加速度传感器 7600B2 高精度微型 振动传感器 7600B2
高精度微型加速度计 7600B2 高精度微型振动传感器 7600B2
Q Q: 1138493826
The Dytran 7600B1 is a high precision variable capacitance (VC) accelerometer, designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for piezoresistive units in new or existing zero-to-medium frequency instrumentation applications.
Available with a 5g range, the Dytran model 7600B1 incorporates a MEMS capacitive sensing element and an advanced ASIC to simulate piezoresistive bridge operation, as well as an integrated VC accelerometer chip with high drive, low impedance buffering. Units respond to both DC and AC acceleration. On-board regulation minimizes supply voltage variation effects, making them relatively insensitive to temperature changes and thermal gradients. Sensors are hermetically sealed for reliable operation in high humidity and dirty environments, and feature a custom integrated circuit amplifier and differential output stages, with a 4-pin M4.5 x 0.35 radial connector, and easy mounting via two 4-40 screws.
The Dytran model 7600B1 accelerometer uses the same power supply as piezoresistive and strain gage sensors, allowing them to operate as stand-alone differential output accelerometers or in place of piezoresistive bridge-type accelerometers.
伺服式加速度传感器是一种闭环测试系统,具有动态性 能好、动态范围大和线性度好等特点。其工作原理,传感器的振动系统由 "m-k”系统组成,与一般加速度计相同,但质量m上还接着一个电磁线圈,当基座上有 加速度输入时,质量块偏离平衡位置,该位移大小由位移传感器检测出来,经伺服放大器 放大后转换为电流输出,该电流流过电磁线圈,在永久磁铁的磁场中产生电磁恢复力,力图使质量块保持在仪表壳体中原来的平衡位置上,所以伺服加速度传感器在闭环状态下工作。由于有反馈作用,增强了抗干扰的能力,提高测量精度,扩大了测量范围,伺服加速度 测量技术广泛地应用于惯性导航和惯性制导系统中,在高精度的振动测量和标定中也有应用。
1. 100 mV/g sensitivity
2. 5g range
3. 0 to 600 Hz frequency range (3dB)
4. 4-pin M4.5 x 0.35 radial connector
5. Mounting via two 4-40 screws
6. 3.6 grams
7. Titanium
8. Hermetic
9. Differential output
10. MEMS technology
11. Same power supply requirements as strain gage sensors
12. DC response
1. Airbag testing
2. Crash testing
3. Flight testing
4. Ride quality
5. Seismic monitoring
Weight, Max 0.1 oz 3.6 grams
Size Length x Width x Height .80 x .56 x .23 Inches 20.3 x 14.2 x 5.8 mm
Connector Type 4-PIN, M4.5 x 0.35 THD 4-PIN, M4.5 x 0.35 THD
Mounting 4-40 X 7/16 LG SHCS 4-40 X 7/16 LG SHCS Notes:
Material Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V
Input Range ±5 g ±49 m/s2 [4] Bias voltage equal to (+ v - (-v)) / 2
Frequency Response (±3dB) 0-600 Hz 0-600 Hz [5] Mating cable 6895A
Sensitivity Differential, ±5% [1] 100 mV/g 10.2 mV/m/s2
Output Noise, Differential ,Typ 7 μ g rms/√ Hz 69 μ m/s2 /√ Hz
Non-Linearity, Max [2] 0.5 % F.S 0.5 % F.S
Sensitivity Change with Excitation Voltage (6-22 Volts) 0.3 % 0.3 %
Cross Axis Sensitivity < 3 % < 3 %
Zero Measurand Output ±50 mV ±50 mV
Maximum Mechanical Shock (0.1 ms) 2000 gpk ±19620 m/s2 peak
Bias Temperature Shift ,Max [3] 111 (ppm of span)/°F 200 (ppm of span)/°C
Sensitivity Temperature Shift 277 ppm/°F 500 ppm/°C
Operating Temperature Range -40 to +248 °F -40 to +120 °C
Seal Hermetic Hermetic
Output Common Mode Voltage ± VDC [4] [4]
Output Impedence,Nom 1225 Ω 1225 Ω
Operating Voltage ±3 to ±11 VDC ±3 to ±11 VDC
Operating Current, Max 13 mA Dc 13 mA Dc
Change in Operating Current to Excitation Voltage 0.25 mA/V 0.25 mA/V
Supplied Accessories: (2) model 6743 mounting washers, (2) model 6746 mounting screws (4-40)
Recommended Accessories: model 6749 triaxial mounting block
Compatible Cables: 6895A, 6948B, 6949A
7600B1 ±5 0-600 100 2000 7
7600B2 ±10 0-1000 50 5000 10
7600B3 ±25 0-1500 20 5000 25
7600B4 ±50 0-2000 10 5000 50
7600B5 ±100 0-2500 5 5000 100
7600B6 ±200 0-3000 2.5 5000 200