PT4455/RX3310A/PT4450/PT4452/PT4301/PT4302/PT4316/PT4317系列PTC/普诚科技射频芯片,长期有备大货,优势供应!技术支持和采购需求请联系 QQ:648570336
PT4455(低电压UHF OOK/ASK发射器)。
PT4455使用晶振作为基频,使得频率偏移可以降至最低。在250~450MHz的操作频带中, 3.0V的工作电压即可输出+10dBm功率,很适合低电压应用。PT4455也是市面上相同方案中外围零件最少者,可以减少PCB所需面积,让终端产品在造型有更多发挥的空间,采用SOT-6封装,跟pt4450比,它有了内置晶振!
PT4455 is a high performance OOK/ASK Transmitter for the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)systems. It consists of a power amplifier, one-shot circuit and phase-locked loop with internal voltage controlled oscillator and loop filter. The one-shot circuit control the phase-locked loop and power amplifier to have fast start-up time in operation.
Highly integrated OOK/ASK transmitter
High output power, 3 V /+11 dBm / 17 mA
Low supply voltage, 2.2 V to 3.6 V operation range
Low external component cost.
PLL-based transmitter with frequency range from 250MHz to 450MHz
On-chip one-shot circuit
60 dB RF on-off ratio for OOK/ASK modulation
Keyless entry systems
Remote control systems
Garage door openers
Alarm systems
Security systems
Wireless sensors