JDB-250G钢基镶嵌轴承,是加强型产品。具有极高的抗压性能,在镶嵌石墨工作时排除润滑颗粒的情况下。使轴与套之间产生一层隔膜,起到了比单体油润滑抗咬合的特点。在起重机械的支撑部位特别适用。例如:卷土机支撑、吊车支撑、但不宜在水中或酸碱场合使用。JDB-250G is reinforced product of JDB series.IT is based steel GCr15 and embedded with solid lubricant.It is of high compress strength and particularly suitable of supporting position in hositing machines,e.g.Thesupport or stand of windlass and of crane. But it should not be appliedin water or in acid/alkali circumstance.Can be used low.middle and highload,it overperforms than other JDB type. Not suitable for water,acid.alkali circumstances.Most suitable for teh supporting position of hoisting machine,e.g.bulldozer supporter,hoister supporter,reeling machine supporter etc.