宁津县鸿宝化工有限公司生产的高分子聚乙烯煤仓衬板使用寿命高于钢质,耐磨是炭钢及不锈钢的3~7倍;摩擦系数小,自润滑,不吸水、不粘结物料,抗冲击强度高,综合机械能好,耐酸、碱、盐腐蚀、不老化,耐低温,卫生无毒,重量轻,比重是钢材的1/8.因此,是用做散装物料储存及运输设备衬里的最佳材料,如储仓,流槽等。广泛应用在电力、钢厂、煤矿等等行业中。超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)板材具有高耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐冲击、自润滑,可制作装煤、水泥、石灰、矿粉、盐、谷物类粉状材料的料斗、料仓、滑槽的衬里。 the material most likely to be used is Polyethylene. Because it is stain, moisture and odor resistant, Polyethylene is a perfect choice. Other cutting boards made out of wood are more susceptible to bacteria and odors because they lack the properties that Polyethylene sheets offer, such as its chemical resistance and FDA approval for food contact. Polyethylene is a very durable and lightweight material that comes in many forms and is a great for a wide variety of applications.