JDB-600铜套,是一种一油沟涌油做为润滑的高力黄铜轴承。该产品具有传统锡青铜轴承功能,由于采用高力黄铜(ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn4)后,他的HB硬度提高了一倍,所以在低速的场合使用该产品,比一般青铜套寿命可以延长一倍,而且其承载压力大,能适应重载的场合。该产品可按顾客要求提供高力黄铜、锡青铜、特硬高力黄铜、铅青铜等相应材质。JDB-600 copper sleeve is a kind of groove Bay oil as lubrication oil of hight strength brass bearings.the product has a function of the traditionalbronze bearings,the use of high strenghth brass(ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn4),its hardness HB doubling the occasion so low to use teh product,than the average life span can be sxtended twice bronze sets,and its bearing pressure,can adapt to overloaded occasions.