本公司南京乾璟158-6180-8751 仓库位于南京浦口盘城,现有大量电子游艺设备对外低价出租,主要产品有:充气城堡,充气相扑,充气海洋球池,充气钓鱼池,蓝球机,VR设备出租,VR出租,百万海洋球,充气滚水球出租,桌上足球,大力锤,电子飞镖机,碰碰车、百万海洋球、斗牛机、打地鼠、丁当锤,踩蟑螂、发光单车、静电球、怒发冲冠、自己拉自己、手不能抖、穿越火线、神奇的辉光、无皮鼓、发电单车,室内高尔夫、抓娃娃机、桌上足球、激光打靶、电子飞镖机、充气城堡、充气攀岩、海洋球池出租、儿童摇摇机、打地鼠、小火车、跳舞机,大力锤、儿童挖掘机,沙弧球等多种产品,适用于大小嘉年华活动、员工家庭日、欢乐园游会、企事业、运动会、公司庆典、商场开业、楼盘的开盘仪式,社区活动,各种节气的大小型商业活动,新春游园活动,大小型宴会助兴,周年庆、店庆活动,欢迎广大客户致电选租。
he director is well-known to Chinese for "Titanic," which grossed 360 million yuan ($52.7 million) here in 1998, a record that was only broken last July, by "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen."
The "Transformers" sequel earned 400 million yuan ($59 million), making China its No. 2 territory outside the U.S. Its China boxoffice record was topped in December by "2012," which made 460 million yuan ($67 million).
On Monday, "Avatar" attendance at the Beijing Star City cinema was above 70% and the evening shows sold out, said manager Wayne Jiang, adding, "Monday looked like a weekend."
Jiang said an estimated 4 million yuan ($586,000) came in from the "Avatar" midnight showings -- more than the 3.5 million yuan ($513,000) earned off midnight premieres of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen."
In a very short time, China has begun to show promise of becoming the world's second-largest market for Hollywood blockbusters, attracting a growing number of the nation's swelling middle class.
Weng Li, spokesman for state-run distributor China Film Group Corp, told news portal Sina.com on Monday that "Avatar" would "create a boxoffice record of 500 million yuan easily."
That's a projected $73 million, of which Fox will be allowed by Chinese law to share roughly 15%, or $11 million.