莱宝真空泵油LVO130产品特点 :
LEYBonOL mineral oils are products distilled and refined from crude oil.
These do not consist of precisely defined compounds but rather consist of a complex mixture.
The way in which the mineral oil is pre-treated and its composition is decisive as to the applications it will be suited for.
Depending on the distribution of the hydrocarbons and the dominance of certain properties,
mineral oils are grouped according to paraffin-base, naphthenic and aromatic. For the purpose of attaining especially low ultimate pressures,
mineral oils must be selected on the basis of a core fraction.
LVO130莱宝进口真空泵油 全国现货供应
LVO130莱宝真空泵油 是合成油,德国进口,包装:5升,20升,适合莱宝大型真空泵使用。在2013年初,莱宝已经把GS系列的油品全部升级为LVO系列。产品升级,价格也上涨了部分。LVO130对应的莱宝真空泵油型号是gs77。