目前广泛应用于各种电子,电器,仪器仪表、音响,调音台设备的电位器旋钮固定和定位。不需工具即可完成装配. 特点是容易固定,提高生产效率。该产品外观高端,大气,能提升整机产品的档次。颜色有银白色,还可按照客户所需颜色调色,品种繁多、规格齐全。 Aluminum knobs and buttons are currently widely applied in all kinds of electronic,electric,instrumentation, sound, and mixer devices; they mainly function to position and fixpotentiometer switches. It is easily and conveniently to install without accessorytools,which highly improves the productivity. Aluminum knobs and buttons are classy both inappearance and function; there are various types and color (black, silver)in supply,and all products can be tailored for customers' need and requirements. |