美孚FM222食品级高温润滑脂 美孚FM222食品级高温润滑脂: 美孚滑脂FM222为高性能、多用途产品,美孚食品润滑脂FM222 是近于白色,以复合铝为皂基的滑脂。为代替一些在食品厂和卫生装置中应用于中,高温环境下的轴承的锂基和合成滑脂而配制.高性能、多用途产品,专门设计用于润滑食品加工机械。食品加工设备经常在各种一半条件下工作涵盖了从烤箱到冷冻设备操作的极端温度,并且会受到大量来自于水、蒸汽均能提供极佳的润滑保护。 极好的抗水性及防锈性、ISO220中等粘度基础油、极好的增稠剂剪切稳定性、得到NSF H1、DIN 51825的批准认证,符合犹太教,伊斯兰教食品法规。 特性: a) 很好的防水性和防锈性 b) ISO 220K等粘度基础油 c) 极好的增稠剂剪切稳定性 d) 得到NSH H1。DIN51825的批准认证,符合犹太教,伊斯兰教食品法规 应用: a) 一般的旋转设备润滑。 b) 传送机轴承。 c) 集中润滑系统设备(FM221)。 d) 重负荷或冲击负荷下抗磨的滚柱轴承中。链接与滑座。 e) 接头。 产 品 名 称 NLG1等级 MobiIgrease FM 222 2 以下部分为英文原版资料,由美孚公司提供 Food processing equipment often operates in a variety of environments, covering the extremes of temperatures from oven to freezer operations, as well as a high level of contamination from water, steam andcleaning agents.Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 were developed as multipurpose grease lubricants capable of providing excellent lubrication in all of these environments. Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 are engineered with excellent water resistance to withstand periodic washdown and cleaning operations frequent in the food processing industry. Rust inhibition is a critical property for the industry. Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 are formulated with an excellent rust inhibition package which, working in concert with the water resistance properties, will provide protection against rust. The select base oils coupled with excellent thickener shear stability translates into an ability to provide lubrication over a wide range of speeds, loads and temperatures. Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 are also formulated to handle a variety of loads, exhibiting good protection against wear and shock load conditions. Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 were designed to meet many global performance and cultural requirements, including: - HSF H1 Registered Mobilgrease FM 101 and FM 222 greases have been designed specifically to meet the needs of the food processing industry that requires excellent water resistance, rust protection and a lubricant able to provide oil to the load zones reliably under high shear conditions. These greases offer the following features and potential benefits:
- DIN 51825 KPF1K -20 (for Mobilgrease FM 101)
- DIN 51825 KPF2K-20 (for Mobilgrease FM 222)
- Kosher/Parve
- Halal
Advantages and Potential BenefitsExcellent water resistance and rust protection Provides superb equipment protection during frequent equipment cleaning operations Excellent thickener shear stability Product exhibits excellent stability for long periods of time, providing oil more consistently between relubrication cycles. NSF H1 registered, DIN 51825 certified, Kosher/Parve, Halal Engineered to meet global requirements, presenting a multi-purpose solution to the food processing industry around the world
NLGI Grade 101 222 Thickener Type Aluminum Complex Aluminum Complex Color, Visual White White Penetration, Worked, 25º C, ASTM D 217, mm/10 325 280 Dropping Point, ºC, ASTM D 2265 260 260 Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445 cSt @ 40º C 100 220 Penetration Consistency Change, 100,000 Stroke, Change from Worked Pen, ASTM D 1831, mm/10 +20 +20 4-Ball Wear Test, ASTM D 2266, Scar, mm 0.50 0.60 Corrosion Prevention, ASTM D 1743, Rating Pass Pass Copper Strip Corrosion, DIN 51811 1b 1b 4-Ball Weld Load, ASTM D 2596, Kg 315 315 FE-9 (DIN 51821, A-Unshielded), L50› 100 hours, Deg. C 120 120
价格说明:石油化工行业价格相当不稳定,网上报价仅为参考价,具体价格以当日价格为准,详情咨询我们13530334098 文先生,包含运费
注:运费由卖家承担,(含当地物流,不含送货) 温馨提示:广东省内可以送货上门, 也可快递代收货款,其它地区走物流(货运公司)只到购买方当地城市,不提供送货上门 服务,需购买方到货运站自提,买家收货时请确认货物型号,规格和数量,是否与订购货 物一致,如不一致请马上联系公司客服。
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公司介绍:深圳力博士全球分销德国福斯润滑油、道康宁704美孚合成润滑油等国际一线品牌润滑油,是国内最 大的特种润滑油进口商,代理五十多家知名特种润滑脂品牌,并销售美国、欧洲的特殊润滑剂服务客户。长期供应给国内4000多家经销商客户,以满足各种行业终端工厂的特种润滑油需求。我们不仅拥有众多的产品线,而且是国内唯一的集特种润滑油供应、仓储、物流为一体的进口商。