名称:美孚BEACON325 倍抗325为精密设备合成润滑脂,原为埃索品牌。
产品说明:BEACON 325用于中、低温条件下精密设备的润滑。它由粘度非常低的合成基础油制造。
应用:BEACON 325为操作于广泛温度范围内的小型轴承和齿轮 ,海、空仪器及控制系统提供优秀的服务。它的润滑寿命长、氧化稳定性好, 适合用作永久密封电机、发电机及用于汽车、飞机和工业操作的类似设备的润滑。BEACON325的操作温度是-50°C到120°C。
合成油影响的材料:BEACON 325由合成有机酯基础油配制而成。此合成油可能会引起某些塑料、人造橡胶、漆的软化或膨胀。软化或膨胀的程度还取决于温度和接触时间。
特性:BEACON 325有很强的防水能力、很高的氧化稳定性和低温下的低起动和运行扭矩。
Mobil BEACON 325 is a high performance grease specifically formulated for the lubrication of precision equipment operating at moderate and low temperatures. It is made with a synthetic base oil of extremely low viscosity and low volatility plus a lithium soap. BEACON 325 is characterised by good mechanical stability, a high degree of resistance to water and extremely high oxidation stability. As its base oil viscosity is low and the viscosity index of the fluid is high, the grease has excellent low temperature properties including low starting and running torque at very cold temperatures and good pumpability.
BEACON 325 provides excellent service in a wide variety of small bearings and small, lightly loaded gears that operate over a wide temperature range. Its long lubrication life and excellent oxidation stability well suit it for use as a bearing lubricant in sealed-for-life units in automotive, aircraft and industrial applications. The recommended application temperature range for continuous operation for BEACON 325 is -50º C to120º C.
BEACON 325 is a member of the Mobil brand of lubricating products recognized for their high quality and reliability, as well as performance capabilities. As with other Mobil greases, this product is manufactured to the strictest quality standards. A key feature of BEACON 325 is its use of a synthetic fluid to provide optimum performance for low temperature precision applications. BEACON 325 offers the following quality features:
BEACON 325 provides excellent service in a wide variety of small bearings and lightly loaded gears that operate over a wide temperature range, including such applications as:
Beacon 325 meets the following industry specification: | ||
DIN 51825: (2004-06) | KE2G-60 | |
Typical Properties
Beacon 325 | |
NLGI Grade | 2 |
Thickener Type | Lithium |
Color, Visual | Tan |
Penetration, Worked, 25º C, ASTM D 217 | 285 |
Dropping Point, ºC, ASTM D 2265 | 180 |
Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445 cSt @ 40º C | 12 |
Apparent Viscosity, ASTM D 1092 | |
@ 20sec-1 and -40º C, Poise | 7,000 |
@ 50sec-1 and -40º C, Poise | 3,500 |
Oil Separation, FTMS 791B321.3, 30 hrs @ 100º C, mass % | 4 |
Corrosion Prevention, ASTM D 1743 | Pass |
价格说明:石油化工行业价格相当不稳定,网上报价仅为参考价,具体价格以当日价格为准,详情咨询我们13530334098 文先生,包含运费
注:运费由卖家承担,(含当地物流,不含送货) 温馨提示:广东省内可以送货上门, 也可快递代收货款,其它地区走物流(货运公司)只到购买方当地城市,不提供送货上门 服务,需购买方到货运站自提,买家收货时请确认货物型号,规格和数量,是否与订购货 物一致,如不一致请马上联系公司客服。
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公司介绍:深圳力博士全球分销德国福斯润滑油、道康宁704美孚合成润滑油等国际一线品牌润滑油,是国内最 大的特种润滑油进口商,代理五十多家知名特种润滑脂品牌,并销售美国、欧洲的特殊润滑剂服务客户。长期供应给国内4000多家经销商客户,以满足各种行业终端工厂的特种润滑油需求。我们不仅拥有众多的产品线,而且是国内唯一的集特种润滑油供应、仓储、物流为一体的进口商。