【名称】:3M SJ3551蘑菇搭扣直排形 3M蘑菇头搭扣 双锁魔幻搭扣 工业扣件
3M蘑菇搭扣(3M TMDualLockTM):可重复开合数万次以上的高强度工业扣件,众多蘑菇状突起互相咬合在一起,产生强大的正拉力与剪切力,相互咬合时,其抗强度足以媲美机械式固定,既能牢固固定多种不同的材质,又能方便重复开启,适用于高强度的临时固定。有VHB橡胶背胶和无背胶可供选择。背胶系列产品隐藏式的贴合可以用在门、面板、木板、指示牌、陈列板、玻璃及许多不同的塑料上,及许多需要经常拆卸的物品。
3M Dual Lock给你更多的灵活性,快速轻松地调整,或重新连接。给您留下的产品清洁,线条流畅无中断或孔洞。
长期耐温70 ℃ 短期耐温100℃

- A black fastener with mushroom shaped stems backed with a white, general purpose acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive.
- Type 400 stem density polyolefin fastener which mates to Type 170 or 250.
- Designed to bond to metals, glass and medium to high surface energy plastics and paint.
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3551 is a general purpose acrylic adhesive on the back of a black, polypropylene reclosable fastner. 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3551 has 400 stems per square inch with an 0.23 inch engaged thickness. Offers a closure life of 1,000.
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3551 has a high temperature performance of up 200 degrees fahrenheit and can be used indoors and outdoors. 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3551 is for use with metals (aluminum, stainless steel), glass and high surface energy plastics (acrylic, polycarbonate, ABS) and can be opened
3M搭扣 SJ3560(1IN,2IN),SJ3540,SJ3541,SJ3440,SJ3550(1IN,2IN),SJ3551(1IN,2IN),SJ3552,SJ4570,SJ4580,SJ4575,SJ3571(1IN,2IN),SJ3572(1IN,2IN),SJ3767,SJ3463,魔力扣,魔力胶条
3M胶水1099,4475,847,4799 喷胶75#,77#,67#,90#,94#底涂,DP8005,DP8010,DP100,DP420(灰白,黑色),DP460,DP810,FR40,CA171,CA40H,CA50,橙香清洁剂
电工胶泥:2228,2166 电工胶带23#,J20 ,33+,35#,锈敌剂
纤维胶带 898,8915 897,8898
3M脚垫 SJ5808,SJ5832 SJ5816 SJ5303,SJ5003,SJ5012,SJ5312,SJ5302
布基胶带:6969银/黑 3939
联系方式:黄小姐 电话:18576405975,0755-23428901,QQ:1503133935