SIKO MSA510系列传感器
上海为为自动化科技限公司,电话:021-64808398,传真:021-64801491。本司是专业从事自动化控制,机械传动,精密测量,气动液压流体控制,工业照明产品的销售、技术开发、设计整合、维修服务的综合服务性系统集成商。欢迎垂询洽谈QQ:395675036 阿里旺旺ID:WWZDH。
MSA510 This sensor gathers the absolute length information of the coded MBA magnetic strip and forms an absolute, linear distance or position measuring system for measuring lengths up to 5120 mm.
compact design with integrated translation module
SSI interface
measuring length up to 5120 mm
accuracy class 0.05 mm, resolution 0.01 mm
strip/sensor gap max. 1.0 mm