48V锂电池 便携式后备电源磷酸铁锂电池48V10Ah:
联系人 李小姐 手机13691976777 QQ536412123
卢小姐 手机18926018588 QQ97660869
电芯 Cell | 规格型号model | GLM5.5Ah-7268128 |
容量Capacity(0.5C) | ≥5.5Ah |
标称电压rated voltage(V) | 3.7V |
典型内阻Typical Impedance (mΩ) | ≤10mΩ |
电池材料Battery material | NMC cathode material |
电池组 PACK | 组合方式Combination method | 2P13S |
最小容量Minimal capacity(0.5C) | 10.3Ah |
额定电压Nominal voltage | 48V |
最大充电电压Max. charge voltage | 54.6V |
放电截止电压Discharge cut-off voltage | ≤41V |
最大充电电流Max Charge current | 5A(0.5C) |
最大放电电流Max Working current | 15A(1.5C) |
标准充电电流Standard charge current | 0.2C |
标准放电电流Standard charge current | 0.5C |
电池组内阻标准Pack Impedance standard | ≤100mΩ |
电池重量Weight (Approx.) | 4.0Kg |
最大外形尺寸Max. dimension(L×W×H)(mm) | 150*80*241 |
适用温度 Operating temperature | 充电Charge temperature | 0℃~45℃ |
放电Discharge temperature | -10℃~55℃ |
电源管理系统 BMS | 单只过压保护值Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage | 4.2V |
过压释放值over-charge release voltage | 4.1V |
单只欠压保护值Single cell under-discharge cut-off voltage | 2.75V |
欠压释放值Discharge release voltage | 3.0V |
过流保护值Over-discharge cut-off current | 52A |
过流保护延时Over-discharge cut-off current delay | 1.5S |
短路保护Short-circuit protection | 具备 |
短路保护延时Short-circuit protection delay | 500uS |
过流\短路保护恢复条件 Condition for the recovery of over-current and Short-circuit | 移除负载自恢复 |
均衡电流Balance current | 40-50mA |
均衡开启Balance Condition | 4.175 |
通信协议 | 无 |