12v锂电池大容量磷酸铁锂电池组12V 100Ah太阳锂离子电池: 1、电池具有循环寿命长、内阻小和比能量高等优点。The battery has long cycle life, low internal resistance, high energy density etc. 2、 软包装、叠片式、贫液态、安全性好。成组循环寿命大于2000次;重量比能量可达120WH/KG,体积比能量可达210WH/L,高于行业平均水平。 Soft packing, poor liquid, laminated lithium battery we manufactured is safety. Gravimetric specific energy is up to 120WH/KG, volumetric specific energy is up to 210WH/L, higher than industry average. 3、配置外壳和BMS电池管理系统。主要保护功能:过充、过放、过流、短路、温度、均衡等功能。Battery Pack with shell and BMS. The protection function is over-charge, over-discharge, over-current, short circuit, high-low temperature, equalization function etc. 4、安全性能:防爆炸、不漏液态、不发烫、耐高温。Safety performance: No explosion, no leakage, no hot, high temperature resistance. 5、产品特别适用太阳能路灯、太阳能发电站、移动通信电源、后备电源、UPS、应急灯、警示灯、舞台灯光备用电源、太阳能及风力发电的储能设备,小型医疗设备及便携式仪器等。The battery are used on solar street lights, solar power station, mobile communication, backup power, UPS, emergency light, warning lights, stage lamp, solar energy and wind power energy storage equipment, small medical equipment and portable instruments, etc 6、 该产品可360度任意摆放,空间利用率高。Lithium iron phosphate battery has the characteristics of 360 randomly placing, high space utilization. 欢迎来电垂询! 李小姐 手机13691976777 QQ536412123 卢小姐 手机18926018588 QQ97660869 二.规格/Specification 2.1型号/Model NO. :11190316-50AH(2P4S) 2.2额定电压/Rated Voltage : 12V 2.3典型容量/Typical Capacity : 100 Ah 最小容量/Minimum Capacity : 100 Ah 2.4标准充电/Standard charge : 0.3 C恒流充电到14.4V转恒压充电至 0.01 C截止。 Constant current at 0.3 C with max. voltage Of 14.4 Vand cutoff current at 0.01C 2.5标准放电方式/ Standard discharge : 0.5 C恒流放电到 10 V截止。Constant current at 0.5 C to 10V. 2.6最大充电电流/Max. charge current : 100 A(1C) 2.7最大放电电流/Max. discharge current : 200 A(2C,£30sec) 2.8工作温度/Operating temperature :充电/charge 0 ~ 45℃ 放电/discharge-20 ~ 55℃ 2.9储存温度/Storage temperature : -10℃~ 45℃ 小于三个月/Less than 3 months -0℃~ 25℃小于一年/Less than 1 year 2.10储存湿度/Storage humidity :25-85﹪RH 2.11重量/Weight :大约/Approx. 10.4kg 2.12内阻/ Internal impedance :£ 0.5 mΩ(半电态下交流内阻) Internal resistance measured at AC 1KHZ after 50% SOC 2.13尺寸/Dimension :厚度/Thickness max. 90mm (初始状态/initial status,50%SOC) :宽度/Width max.205mm :长度/Length max. 325 mm 2.14外观/Visual :不允许有任何影响电池性能的外观缺陷,如裂纹、裂缝、泄漏等。 There shall be no such defects as scratch, flaw, crack, and leakage, which may adversely affect battery performance. 三、产品优势 四、几种电池类型对比 五、工厂图片
7、 该产品免维护,使用温度范围广,可靠性高,绿色环保无污染。The features of the battery is maintenance-free, wide usage temperature, high reliablity and no pollution.