供应进口杜笙脱碱软化树脂,高交换容量弱酸阳离子交换树脂 High Capacity Macroporous Weak Acid Cation Exchange Resin TULSION® CXO-12 MP 是一款高品质具有高交换容量具有羧酸官能机的氢型的弱酸型阳离子交换树脂。 TULSION® CXO-12 MP is a premium quality high capacity weak acid cation exchange resin supplied as moist spherical beads in the hydrogen form. The functional group of the resin is carboxylic acid. TULSION® CXO-12 MP 是一款具有优秀的物理及化学稳定品质及优秀的操作特性。特别是具有较低的可逆膨涨的特性。 TULSION® CXO-12 MP has excellent physical and chemical stability and operating characteristics especially lower reversible swelling . 它适合运用于纯水 ,脱碱软化及选择性的去除重金属。它适合在宽广的 pH及温度范围情况下操作。它的钠型树脂适合应用于含有高硬度及高总溶解物的软化水处理。 It is a suitable for water demineralization , de-alkalization and selective removal of heavy metals . It is suited for operation over a wide pH range and temperature conditions. In Sodium form this resin is used for softening of water containing high hardness and TDS. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS-TULSION CXO-12 MP / 基 本 特 性 质 结构 / Matrix Structure : 聚丙烯共聚物 / Polyacrylic Copolymer 官能基 / Functional group : Carboxylic / 羧酸基 离子型式 / Ionic Form : H+ / Hydrogen , or , Na+/Sodium 外观 / Physical Form : 颗粒状 / Moist spherical beads 筛网大小/Screen size US(wet) : 16 to 50 粒径/Particle Size (min 95%) : 0.3 – 1.2 mm 总交换容量 / Total Exchange Capacity (min) : 3.8 (meq/ml) 膨涨 / Sweeling (appx) : H+ to Na+ 70% (appx) 含水量/Moisture content : 47 % 3% (appx) 逆洗沉降密度/Backwash settled density : 750 to 790 g/l (47 to 49 lbs/cft) 最大操作温度 / Temperature stability : 100 C / 210°F H 范围 / pH Range : 5 to 14 溶解度 / Solubility : 不溶于所有的溶剂/Insoluble in all common solvents
TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS - TULSION CXO-12 MP /操作条件建议 最高温度 / Max. operating temp. : 100 C 树脂床高度(最低) / Resin bed depth (min) : 600 mm (24”) 最大流束 / Max. service flow : 60 m3/hr/m3 逆洗膨涨空间 / Backwash expansio ace : 70 - 100 % 逆洗流速 / Backwash expansion flow rate at 25°C(77°F) : 8 - 15 m3/Hr/m3 再生药剂 / Regenerant : HCl , H2SO4 for H Form 再生药剂量 / Regeneration Level : 120% of operating capacity 再生药剂浓度 / Regenerant Concentration : 0.7 - 4% for H2SO4/2 - 4% for HCl 再生药剂注入时间 / Regenerant time : 20 - 60 mins. 慢洗流速 / Slow Rinse Flow Rate : 与注药流速相同 快洗流速 / Fast Rinse Flow Rate : 与流速相同 洗涤水水量 / Rinse Volume : 3 - 10 m3/m3