TTKS-30Q×4 四联荞麦脱壳机特点:
★The types of this series are improved by our company based on Japanese echnology;
★High hulling and head kernel ratio with few brokens;
★Clearance between emery roll can be adjusted, making sure optimized effect of hulling
and head kernel ratio.
TTKS-30Q×4 四联荞麦脱壳机用途:
is the best equipment for buckwheat hulling process.
四联荞麦脱壳机 |
型号 | 产量 | 动力 | 转速 | 额度电压 | 重量 | 外形尺寸 |
TTKS-30Q×4 | 400-500公斤 | 3X2 | 970 | 380 | 900 | 1200×1200×1670 |
原文来自 华豫万通杂粮加工设备生产厂家