PM ·01 - 1
PP/PM(29) 10 2008.11.6, 2:47 PM
● 测量范围最低达到1KPa(国内领先)
● 可选择多种特殊膜片(国内领先)
● 可选择充油耐震型(国内领先)
● PTFE 四氟压套特殊制作
主要技术参数Technical Specifications
执行标准:JB/T 4591-2005 Executive standard: JB/T 4591-2005
精度等级:1.5%;2.5%(低于2.5KPa) Accuracy: 1.5%;2.5% (>2.5KPa)
测量范围:负压(真空)-1KPa、 -4KPa~0 至Range: -1KPa、-4KPa~0 to -100KPa And any connection
-100KPa,正压1KPa~2.5MPa 及 of positive /negative pressure.
仪表外径:100mm、160mm Nominal size: 100mm、160mm
工作压力:静负荷用至测量上限值的3/4, Working pressure: Steady: 3/4 of full scale value;
交变负荷用至测量上限的2/3, Fluctuating: 3/2 of full scale value;
短时压力用至上限值。Short time: full scale value.
正常工作环境温度: -40℃~60℃ Ambient temperature: -40℃~60℃
膜片材料:3j1 SUS304、SUS316、Ti. 蒙乃尔Diaphragm material: 3j1(SUS304、SUS316L、 Ti. mond
SUS316L、喷涂PTFE Ta 316Ti PTFE and other specials available).
壳体材料:304 Case material: 304
接液接体材料:316、316L、四氟喷涂Connection body: 316、316L、Fluorin painting
机芯材料:304 Movement material: 304
防护等级:BF 型 IP55; BFN 型 IP65 Protection: Type BF IP55; Type BFN IP65
表内充液:BF 型干式 BFN 型充填甘油Liquid filling: glycerine (silicon oil and others)
连接方式:1)螺纹连接 M20 × 1.5 Connection: 1) thread connection M20 × 1.5
(G1/2,NPT1/2 或其他) (G1/2NPT1/2 and others)
2)法兰连接 根据客户要求制造 2) Flanged connection depend on requests
from customers.
法兰材质:304、316、316L 四氟喷涂、Flang material: 304, 316, 316L Fluorin painting, PTFE cover
● 高温选项:最高温度200℃
● 膜片材质:哈B,哈C, 钽,钛,蒙乃尔合金,
316L 表面喷涂PTFE
● 接液材质:321,304,316L(或+PTFE)
● 接 口:可根据客户要求订制
● 工作介质:根据介质不同可选氟油-60-+120℃,食用油-20-+200℃
Special items
● High temperature: Max 200℃
● Diaphragm material: Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Tantalum,Titanium, Monel 316L PTEE coated
● Wetted material:321, 304, 316L(or+PTFE)
● Connection: other on request
● Filling liquid: As different media, optional fluorocarbon oil, -60-+120℃, Food oil -20-+200℃
量 程:FNH (0-10/0-40MPa)
FNM (0-1/0-10MPa)
FNS: (-1-0/0-0.6MPa)
精 度:(与设备精度相加)± 0.5% 直接安装;
± 1% 配阻尼器、过压保护器、远传等
接液材质:316+ 丁晴橡胶
接 口:螺纹M20*1.5,1/2”NPT
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● 高温选项:最高温度200℃
● 膜片材质:哈B,哈C, 钽,钛,蒙乃尔合金,
316L 表面喷涂PTFE
● 接液材质:321,304,316L(或+PTFE)
● 接 口:可根据客户要求订制
● 工作介质:根据介质不同可选氟油-60-+120℃,食用油-20-+200℃
Special items
● High temperature: Max 200℃
● Diaphragm material: Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Tantalum,Titanium, Monel 316L PTEE coated
● Wetted material:321, 304, 316L(or+PTFE)
● Connection: other on request
● Filling liquid: As different media, optional fluorocarbon oil, -60-+120℃, Food oil -20-+200℃
Range: FNH (0-10/0-40MPa)
FNM (0-1/0-10MPa)
FNS (-1-0/0-0.6MPa)
Accuracy: (add to instrument accuracy) ± 0.5% for
direct mounting;
± 1% for dampeners over pressure
protector, distance transmission and so on.
Working Temperature: -45-+150℃
Diaphragm Material: 316L
Wetted material:316+BUNA
Connection: Thread M20*1.5,1/2”NPT
Filling liquid: Silicone oi