那一月,我摇动所有的转经筒,不为超度,只为触摸你的指尖。 云南保山钢绞线穿线机今日要闻河北邢台锚索穿线机行业机械资讯云南保山钢绞线穿线机今日要闻罗定钢绞线穿束机公司要闻云南保山钢绞线穿线机今日要闻
![宝欣机械 5](http://my.b2b.makepolo.com/ucenter/product/product_process.php?cate_id=174218&cate_ids=9,174218&type=add)
1、钢铰线直径: 一般15.24mm(可根据用户需要配置)
2、输送距离: 30-180 m(特殊情况可定制)
3、电机功率及输入转速: 3/4/5.5/7.5/9/11KW
4、整机重量: 50-120 kg
效率 :
1、 节约大量人力,只需上下两人,节省了人员管理。
2、 操作简单,数据精准,无任何浪费,大大节约了材料费用。
3、 钢绞线不用提前切割存放,保证材料质量。
4、 每分钟穿线70-80米,两人日穿钢绞线18-20吨,15000-18000米,32M高速铁路箱梁两跨,成本低,快速准确。
5、 设备轻便,易于拆卸、安装、运输。
Then the door opened and two little girls entered, followed by a young lady, who regarded with some anxiety the lively way in which little Rita ran bounding through the room in order finally to spring with one big leap on her papa's knee. By her skill in jumping it was plain to see that it was not the first time she had accomplished this. Rita now looked triumphantly around as if to say: "Now I am once more seated in my strong castle where no harm can reach me!"新会钢绞线穿束机公司资讯开远钢绞线穿索机行业看点云南保山钢绞线穿线机今日要闻江苏钢绞线穿线机行业看点Representatives from Truck Alliance and the China National Heavy Duty Truck Group issue business licenses to 24 distributors from across China on July 25. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]