Rock wool seam felt is a kind of soft and roll product made of rock wool felt wrapped by wire netting, stainless steel netting or glass wire, mainly used for heat preservation of large-caliber pipeline, storage tank, large-scale equipment, irregular thing, valve and pipe joint. Iron wire and stainless steel wire seam felt is especially applicable for heat insulation of high-temperature equipments.
Scope of application:
Rock wool light felt---It is used for heat insulation and sound absorption of large-caliber pipeline, construction wall and roofs.
Rock wool glass cloth felt----It is used in large-caliber industrial equipment and construction structure with the properties of anti-break and easy for construction. Furthermore, it has dust proof for construction wall.
Rock wool wire netting felt---It is used in strong-shake and
岩棉板,是以精选的玄武岩为主要原料,经后天融化后,采用四辊离心制棉工序,将玄武棉岩高温溶体甩拉成4~7μm的非连续性纤维,再在岩棉纤维中加入一定量的粘结剂、防尘油、憎水剂,经过沉降、固化、切割等工艺,根据不同用途制成不同密度的系列产品。应用范围 石化行业—石油、电力、化工行业设备的绝热保温 吸音降噪 建筑行业—建筑隔墙 幕墙 屋顶和围护的绝热保温吸音降噪 工矿行业—工业窑炉 烘箱 大口径储罐及船舶的保温防火等