China has reached 22874 vehicles in 2006, according to data from the industrial vehicles Association of China Industrial association,
Sedan No. 8
Sedan No. 8
Compared with 2005, an increase of nearly 38%. The data has shown that electric forklift will be more and more popular with users, but in general, the proportion of electric forklift market is only 21%, which can be seen, the electric forklift market space is still great.
Electric forklift because its operation is simple and convenient control, flexible operation, the strength of its operating personnel relative to the internal combustion forklift trucks, the electric power steering system, speed control system, hydraulic control system and brake system are controlled by electrical signals, greatly reduce the operator's labor intensity, thus to improve the work efficiency and the accuracy of the work has a very big help. And compared to the diesel forklift, the advantages of low noise and no exhaust emissions of electric vehicles have been recognized by many users. In addition, the use of electric forklifts, there are some technical reasons.
光阴易逝,韶华不再。已经的岁月有多少青春神韵、飞扬豪情,又有多少馨梦柔肠、温婉密爱,还有多少恩恩怨怨、是是非非,当繁华褪去,才发觉,浮生尘世聚散匆匆、爱恨悠悠、财色空空,所有一切只不过是一壶浊酒、半屏青山,俯首之间,已是一去千里,永成过往。 昨还是春光明媚、红杏出墙,今已是秋风萧煞、黄花满地;昨还是志存高远、踌躇满志,今已是心淡神定、宠辱不惊;昨还是是非恩怨、爱恨情仇,今已是心如止水、笑看人生。
电子控制技术的快速发展使得电动叉车操作变得越来越舒适,适用范围越广,解决物流的方案越来越多。这些方面来看,电动叉车的市场需求肯定会增长速度会越来越快,电动叉车市场份额也会越来越大的。With the rapid development of electronic control technology, the operation of electric forklift becomes more and more comfortable, and the range of application is more and more. In these respects, the market demand of electric forklift will certainly increase, the speed will be faster and faster, and the market share of electric forklift will be more and more big.