北京杨经理18611166719提供的蛋糕柜系列以及蛋糕价格主页面,我公司为阁下提供的白色冷藏柜 1.5米蛋糕柜,都是著名厂家为您精心打造,我司的直角蛋糕柜 可在单位食堂、饮食业、大中小学校、中小型糕点厂均可使用,直角蛋糕柜 采用钢结构大理石面,具有较强的防震固定效果好,白色冷藏柜 1.5米蛋糕柜玻璃展示面全面透视 能使客户一目了然看清需要的产品,我们冷柜厂家的模具经过改良使蛋糕柜尺寸标准化。定做直角蛋糕柜能够使客户根据实际使用的场地定制蛋糕柜尺寸,从而使寸土寸金的店面美观,好看。直角蛋糕柜的形状、颜色可以根据店面的整体效果冷柜定做蛋糕柜。我们冷柜厂家乐意为客户提供良好的合理的蛋糕柜展示陈列柜,使客户感觉物美价廉。 白色冷藏柜 1.5米蛋糕柜由里及表,时间快捷,色味兼优,符合卫生标准是开面包店不可缺少的设备,定做蛋糕柜是我司提供多款规格供阁下选购以及使用如;日式直角,弧形,前后开门,大理石及不锈钢等等,在我公司购买冷柜定制蛋糕柜,我们冷柜厂家免费提供操作以及售后服务。蛋糕柜子的温度可调。一般出厂就设计好自动恒温、定时断电,超温报讯、操作简便等。定做蛋糕柜需要生产周期客户对蛋糕柜价格合理,需要提前定做。白色冷藏柜 1.5米蛋糕柜 均为大理石不锈钢机构,豪华气派,美观大方,蛋糕柜的同时出现质量问题免费提供一年的免费维修服务需了解更多蛋糕柜子以及蛋糕柜价格请电话咨询
Beijing long Hong Fusheng hotel supplies Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D, production and marketing of commercial refrigeration equipment company.
Various supermarkets, chain stores, convenience stores, refrigeration, refrigeration equipment to provide professional support.
The main products are air curtain , s, display s and island cooked food, meat food s, , , building with pickled cabbage , high body vertical display , before or after the opening, square or arc type pastry, ice cream refrigerated display s, soft ice cream machine, ice machine, six angle rotation refrigerated display s, chocolate refrigerator , pizza, sandwiches, sushi counters, s, wine s, kitchen s, workbench, horizontal refrigerator freezer, water, cold storage, etc.. Can also be customized ording to customer requirements. (pattern and size if there are changes in kind prevail!)
Widely used in supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels, hotels and other places of professional. In addition to meet the domestic market, products are exported to North America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao Dong Fei, more than a dozen countries and regions.
The company adhering to the "meticulous service, the user first" principle of service, sincere cooperation with our customers, hand in hand into the split, a new height build cold chain industry!