该高性能波长可调激光器组件, 波长覆盖C波段的ITU Grid. 基于OIF iTLA标准, 该组件电路板上集成了激光和控制元件, 通过RS232协议接口可对激光器的波长调谐, 光功率可变等工作状态及参数进行设置. 具有高达20mW连续光输出, 100kHz极窄线宽, 低强度噪声, 高边模抑制比, 高波长稳定性及功率稳定性, 10mS波长切换速度, 紧凑型小尺寸组件封装. 非常适合作为40G/100Gbpcs的长距离高速相干光纤通信系统的光源, 以及C波段的DWDM光无源器件和光电探测器的测试及测量.
Tunable Lasers, ITU DWDM Grid, C Band, Emcore TTX1994 ITLA, Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly
EMCORE’s Tunable Extended Cavity Laser Technology EMCORE’s proprietary Tunable ECL (Extended Cavity Laser) technology delivers superior optical performance. EMCORE ECL products consistently provide industry-leading output power, Side Mode suppression Ratio (SMSR), narrow linewidth, low optical noise, and high-frequency accuracy important for advanced systems design.
Product Overview
The TTX1994 ITLA integrates the EMCORE tunable laser which consists of a cooled external cavity diode laser with electronics. The tunable laser uses thermally-tuned etalon filters to achieve single-mode operation at selectable wavelengths. The EMCORE tunable laser has no moving parts and shares many design elements of standard Distributed Feedback Lasers (DFB).
The TTX1994 ITLA has a narrow linewidth, low Relative Intensity Noise (RIN), a high >50 dB Side-Mode Suppression Ration (SMSR), low <3.5 W power consumption and excellent frequency accuracy. Features available on this product include Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) Suppression, TxTrace, off-grid tuning, and ‘in-operation’ adjustable transmit power and frequency.
The TTX1994 ITLA allows full control and monitoring (as defined in the OIF-ITLA-MSA_ through an LVTTL RS-232 serial interface). For health monitoring, fault detection, and intervention designs, the TTX1994 fully implements monitors and alarms typically found on 300-pin transponders (for wavelength, temperature, power and bias).
Note: Figure 2 shows a block Diagram of the TTX1994 ITLA
Performance Overview
In today’s market, Tunable Lasers are common components in DWDM systems, helping to significantly reduce inventory and sparing costs on multichannel DWDM systems. Thanks to the Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) within the OIF, Integrable Tunable Laser Assemblies (ITLA) are available from many vendors with a defined form-factor and electrical interface. As a result, ITLA’s are mostly interchangeable for generic 10Gbps systems.
However, not all technologies are created equal. EMCORE’s proprietary ECL technology differentiates itself from semiconductor based alternatives and DFB arrays through its significantly better performance. Especially for higher data rate applications this distinction is important, as it enables and simplifies the design of 40Gbps and 100 Gbps high data rate systems.
Parameters | C-band |
Wavelength Tunable Range (nm) | 1528.77 to 1563.86 |
Frequency Range (THz) | 191.7 to 196.1 |
Power output setting range (mW) | 5 to 20 |
Linewidth (Hz) | < Min. 100K) |
Polarization Extinction Ratio (dB) | > 20 |
SMSR (dB) | > 40 |
Wavelength tuning spacing | Non-continuous, but with 50GHz spacing, 96CHs or 89CHs, tolerance ≤± 2.5 GHz |
Wavelength Stability | ±1pm(15min); ±3pm(8hour) |
Warm-up time (s) | 20 |
Fiber pigtail | PM1550 |
Output connector | FC/PC, FC/UPC or FC/APC, etc |