本光纤相位调制, 工作于1900~2200nm波段, 可应用于2000nm典型波长(另有0.8um, 0.9um和1.0um可选), 带宽0.15/10GHz典型可选, 具有低半波电压,低插损特点, 输入输出光纤类型可选. 适用于气体传感, 激光雷达, 激光种子源, 光谱学等应用.
General Descriptions
The Photline MPX2000 and MPZ2000 are phase modulators specially designed for phase modulation in the
2.0 µm wavelength band from low frequencies to 10 GHz and above. The MPX/MPZ2000 incorporate
2.0 µm specific waveguides and are pigtailed with
2.0 µm polarization maintaining fibers.
- 2um Specific design
- High bandwidth version > 10 GHz
- High stability, low Vπ
- Low insertion loss
- Spectral Broadening
- Seed source
- Research and development
Optical and Electrical Characteristics
Phase Modulator | Part Number |
Parameter | Unit | MPX2000-LN-0.1 | MPX2000-LN-10 |
Operating Wavelength | nm | 1900~2200 |
Electro-Optical Bandwidth | GHz | 0.15 | 12 |
Vpi RF@50KHz | V | 5 | 6.5 |
Optical Insertion Loss | dB | 3 | 4 |
Optical Return Loss | dB | 45 |
RF Input Impedance | Ohm | 10000 | 50 |
Crystal | – | X Cut, Y Propagation |
Ordering information
MPX2000-LN-0.1-Y-Z-AB-CD / MPZ2000-LN-10-Y-Z-AB-CD
Y = Input fiber: P Polarization maintaining S Standard single mode
Z = Output fiber: P Polarization maintaining S Standard single mode
AB = Input connector: 00 bare fiber FA FC/APC FC FC/SPC
CD = Output connector: 00 bare fiber FA FC/APC FC FC/SPC
Note : optical connectors are Senko with narrow key or equivalent