弹簧射嘴——又名防流延射嘴,本公司研制的弹簧射嘴主要用于低黏度树脂,如PA、PP、PET、PPS (聚苯硫醚)、POM(聚甲醛)等的注塑成型,可以防止溢料、拖丝、流延等。本射嘴密封效果好,可节约塑料,节省成本。
The spring nozzle is also called the anti-flow and injecting postponing nozzle. The spring nozzle researched and manufactured by this company is mainly used in the low-viscosity resin, such as the injecting molding and formulation of PA, PP, PET, PPS and POM. It can prevent the material overflow, dragline silk and postponing, etc. This nozzle has good sealing effect, it can save plastic and cost.
The feature of this spring nozzle:
- Ø 内、外置式弹簧射嘴,熔体压力决定射嘴的开启和关闭,当熔体压力达200 kg/cm2(油压15-20kg/cm2)时开启;
- Ø The interior and exterior spring nozzle; the melt pressure determines the opening and closing of the melt; when the melt pressure reaches 200 kg/cm2 (the oil pressure is 15-20kg/cm2), it will be opened;
- Ø 可承受压力3500 kg/cm2及400°C高温环境;
- Ø It can bear the pressure of 3500kg/cm2 and the high-temperature environment of 400°C
- Ø 可用于任何胶料(PVC除外)的防溢流;
- Ø It can be used for the anti-overflow of any sizing material (excluding PVC);
- Ø 可外加发热圈,保温效果好。
- Ø The heating circle can be added and the effect of heat preservation is very good.