程心意:13728750969(微信同号) 深圳市北吉兴电子仪器回收有限公司
QQ:2511466577 深圳市宝安区丰顺路98号
KEYSIGHT N9322C 基础频谱分析仪(BSA),9 kHz 至 7 GHz
N9322C配件包括的内容:文档光盘,BNC电缆,N-BNC 适配器,USB 电缆,电源线,
N9322C-1CM Rackmount Flange Kit
N9322C-1CP Rackmount Flange and Front Handle Kit
N9322C-1TC Hard Transit Case
Regional Distribution Center
N9322C-PLG Continental European Power Cord - for EU distribution with multiple power cord standards
N9322C-AB2 Printed user's guide, Simplified Chinese
N9322C-ABA Printed user's guide, English
N9322C-ABJ Printed user's guide, Japanese
Modulation analysis
N9322C-DMA ASK/FSK Modulation Analysis
N9322C-AMA AM/FM Modulation Analysis
Sweep option
N9322C-TMG Time-Gated Spectrum Analysis
N9322C-P07 Preamplifier, 7 GHz
Monitoring options
N9322C-SCN Channel Scanner
N9322C-PWP USB Peak and Average Power Sensor Support (U2020/U2040 X-Series)
N9322C-PWM USB Average Power Sensor Support (U2000 Series)
N9322C-MNT Spectrum Monitor with Spectrogram Record and Playback
Portable packaging
N9322C-PRC Portable Configuration, Bumpers and Handle
Connectivity option
N9322C-G01 GPIB Interface
Performance options
N9322C-BB1 Baseband Input
N9322C-PFR Precision Frequency Reference
Generator options
N9322C-RM7 Reflection Measurement (requires Option TG7)
N9322C-TG7 Tracking Generator, 7 GHz
Calibration documentation
N9322C-UK6 Commercial Calibration Certificate with Test Data
Security options
N9322C-SEC Security Features
Test automation class
N9322C-TPN Task Planner for Test Automation
EMC analysis
N9322C-EMC EMI filters and quasi-peak detector
Application software
BV9001B BenchVue Complete Control Collection