
订货型号: K8
公司名称: 西安精敏机电
公司Q Q: 3432299782、3105426313
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工作电话: 029-62259869 18066732790(价格好 基本型有现货)
Industry’s best total performance,a a flexible Coplanar platform,and installed five-year stability,has made the Rosemount 3051 the standard in pressure measurement.
Inustry’s best-in-class total performance of ±0.15%
Total performance is the true measure of “real-world”transmitter performance. Using superior sensor technology and engineered for optimal performance,the 3051 delivers unprecedented ±0.04% reference accuracy,resulting in total operating performance of ±0.15%. Superior total performance equates to reduced variability and improved plant safety.
3051 型变送器主要部件为传感器模块和电子元件外壳。传感器模块包括充油传感器系统(隔离膜、充油系统和传感器)以及传感器电子元件。传感器电子元件安装在传感器模块内并包括一温度传感器(电阻式测试检测器)、储存模块和电容/数字信号转换器(C/D 转换器)。来自传感器模块的电子信号被传输到电子元件外壳中的输出电子元件。电子元件外壳包括输出电子线路板(微处理器、储存模块、数字/模拟信号转换器或 D/A 转换器)、本机零点及量程按钮和端子块。
因为 3051C 型变送器设计压力适用于隔离膜,当油偏离中心膜时,改变电容信号。然后该电容信号在 C/D 转换器中被转换成数字信号。随后微处理器从电阻式温度检测器和 C/D 转换器中获取信号并计算出正确的变送器输出。随后,该信号被送到 D/A 转换器,D/A 转换器将信号转换回模拟信号并在4-20 mA 输出上叠加 HART 信号。
Features of the Model 248 include:
l Accepts inputs from a wide variety of RTD and thermocouple sensors
l Configuration using HART protocol
l Electronics that are completely encapsulated in epoxy and enclosed in a plastic housing, making the transmitter extremely durable and ensuring long-term reliability
l A compact size and three housing options allowing mounting flexibility in the field
l Assembly including the transmitter,sensor, housing, thermowell, and extension accessories that can be ordered in one model number
更多信息请咨询: 联络方式:029-62259869
QQ:3105426313/3432299782 手机: 18066732790 邮箱: