买专业的仿石漆 就来福建卡乐丽 质量有保障 环保
本品是一种久经证实的,适用于大面积使用的立体质感中层料。只要使用拉毛滚筒就可滚出纹理均匀、颗粒表面圆滑的各种质感效果。施工的把握性高,颗粒和波纹光滑圆润,不容易积灰。具有其他中层料和其它艺术纹理涂料所不可比拟的优点而被用户广泛采纳。 Product description: The Letu garland intermediate paint is three-dimensional texture intermediate coating which is confirmed for a long time and applicable to use in a large area. The uniform texture and various texture effects with smooth particle surface can be rolled out uniformly as long as the galling roller is used. The construction property is high, the particle and ripple are smooth and mellow, and it is difficult to gather the dust. It has widely used due to the advantages that other intermediate coating and other art texture coatings cannot be compared. 产品特性: 1、高固体含量,干燥收缩小,造型饱满。 2、涂膜强度高,耐久性好,遇水不还原。 3、表面光滑圆润,不易积灰。 4、施工性优良,适合多种施工方法。 Product feature: 1. It has high solid content, small drying and shrink, and full modeling. 2. It has high coating strength and good durability, and is not reduced in case of touching the water. 3. Its surface is smooth and mellow, and difficult for gathering the dust. 4. The application property is good, therefore, it is applicable to the construction with many construction methods. 适用范围: 配套各种内外墙面漆,创造出具有立体感的艺术纹理以及其它不同的纹理。本品也适宜DIY自己动手。 Scope of application: It is matched with the various interior and exterior wall paints, to create the art textures having the third dimension and other different textures. It is also applicable to DIY. 适用基面: 建筑物室外墙面、混凝土基面、砖石结构基面、水泥砂浆基面。 Applicable base: Outdoor wall of building, concrete surface, masonry structure surface and cement mortar surface. 推荐工艺与用量: 1、选择不同粗细纹的滚筒,就能均匀的滚出相对应粗细纹路的桔皮效果。 2、每平方米用量约为0.7-1kg。 Recommended process and dosage: 1. The roller with different coarse and fine textures is selected, and it can roll out the effect of orange peel of corresponding coarse and fine textures uniformly. 2. The dosage is about 0.7-1kg/m2. 重要提示: 由于是厚质涂层,涂层实际干燥的时间较长,夏、秋季2天以上;春、秋季3天以上,方可涂刷水性面漆。 important notice: Due to the thick coating, the actual drying time of coating is relatively big, which is more than 2 days in summer and autumn and more than 3 days in spring and autumn; and after drying, the water-based finishing coat can be painted.
欢迎来到福建卡乐丽新型建材科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是福建省福州福州市乌龙江江南大道55号龙旺国际1号楼1601-1603,联系人是汪。 是400-101-7811,是19906933063,主要经营福建卡乐丽新型建材科技有限公司是一家专业从事福建艺术漆生产销售的厂家,公司致力于绿色低碳、节能 环保涂料的研发,给消费者提供放心满意的产品,服务社会、追求企业的永续经营。 公司网站:www.colorlead.cn。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 我们的宗旨是:“用的服务,使用户得到优质的效益,用优质的技术,为用户提供优质的产品”,选择我们,选择是您正确的决定!我们主要供应艺术漆,装饰涂料,建筑涂料,水包水,水包砂等,如果您感兴趣,可以来电咨询订购!