护栏板分类与设计条件 护栏板分类 护栏板的形式按刚度的不同可分为 柔性护 由于受到地形条件、 投资和技术条件等多种因 素的制约, 路侧难免存在障碍物, 对越出路外的车辆 构成潜在的危险。路侧护栏板仅设置在能降低事故严 重度的地方, 其设计原则根据人们对公路等级、 交通 量、 车辆组成和路侧特征等因素的主观判断而确定。
Guardrail plate classification and design conditions guardrail plate classificatio公路波形梁钢护栏标准n guardrail plate in the form of the stiffness can be pided into flexible support due to a variety of terrain conditions, investment and technical conditions, because of the restriction of, roadside inevitably there are obstacles, vehicles on the way constitute a potential danger. Roadside guardrail plate disposed on only can reduce the accident severity, and its design principle based on people's subjective judgment on the highway, traffic volume, vehicle composition and roadside features such as factors to determine.
护栏板分类与设计条件 护栏板分类 护栏板的形式按刚度的不同可分为 柔性护 由于受到地形条件、 投资和技术条件等多种因 素的制约, 路侧难免存在障碍物, 对越出路外的车辆 构成潜在的危险。路侧护栏板仅设置在能降低事故严 重度的地方, 其设计原则根据人们对公路等级、 交通 量、 车辆组成和路侧特征等因素的主观判断而确定。
Guardrail plate classification and design conditions guardrail plate classificatio公路波形梁钢护栏标准n guardrail plate in the form of the stiffness can be pided into flexible support due to a variety of terrain conditions, investment and technical conditions, because of the restriction of, roadside inevitably there are obstacles, vehicles on the way constitute a potential danger. Roadside guardrail plate disposed on only can reduce the accident severity, and its design principle based on people's subjective judgment on the highway, traffic volume, vehicle composition and roadside features such as factors to determine.