We will only source products from suppliers where the factories used to produce our go meet acceptable minimum ethical standards, and where the rights of workers are respected and protected.
We have nine core ethical trading standards, backed up by a detailed code of practice:
● We do not employ any person below the age of 15* or below the legal minimum age (where this is higher) in the countries in which we operate. (*in developing countries listed in ILO Convention 138, we accept child workers of 14 or over).
● We do not use forced labour in any form (prison, indentured, bonded or otherwise) and staff are not required to lodge papers or deposits on starting work.
● We comply with all applicable local environmental, safety and health regulations. We provide a safe and healthy workplace, presenting no immediate hazards to our staff.
● We do not discriminate against any worker on any grounds (including race, religion, disability, or gender) within the laws and customs in the regions in which we operate.
● We do not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental, physical sexual or verbal abuse.
● We comply with the laws on working hours in the countries in which we operate.
● We provide each employee with at least the minimum wage, or the prevailing industry wage, (whichever is higher) and provide each employee with all legally mandated benefits.
● We comply with all relevant environmental legislation in the regions in which we operate. We have identified all the hazardous or toxic waste we produce, and are confident that it is disposed of by competent bodies via authorised disposal routes.
● We support the right of workers to form and join trades unions which are free to meet without hindrance.