磁粉技术指标 | |
项 目 | 指 标 |
磁性物 | 97 |
水分,≤% | 8-10 |
目 数 | 325 |
吸油量(ml/100g) | 15~25 |
比 重 | 4.35 |
微磁聚凝剂是水溶性的高分子聚合物, 主要用于各种工业废水的絮凝沉降,沉淀澄清处理,如钢铁厂废水,电镀厂废水,冶金废水,洗煤废水等污水处理、污泥脱水等。由于其分子链中含有一定数量的极性基团,它能通过吸附水中悬浮的固体粒子,使粒子间架桥或通过电荷中和使粒子凝聚形成大的絮凝物,故可加速悬浮液中粒子的沉降,有非常明显的加快溶液澄清,促进过滤等效果。
The particle aggregate of iron powder (iron dust) is smaller than that of 1mm. Color: black. It is the main raw material of powder metallurgy. According to the granularity, the habit is pided into five grades: coarse powder, medium powder, fine powder and ultrafine powder. The iron powder with the particle size of 150 μ m is coarse powder, the iron powder with the particle size of 44 ~ 150 μ m is 1044 μ m and the ultrafine powder is less than 0.5 μ m. Generally, the powder which can pass 325mesh standard sieve, that is, the powder with particle size less than 44 μ m, can be called subsieve powder. If more accurate sieving is to be carried out, the air flow classifier can only be used, but for some easily oxidized iron powder, it can only be made by JZDF nitrogen protection classifier. Iron powder mainly includes reduced iron powder and atomized iron powder, which are named after different modes of production. The application of iron powder in industry is mainly used to produce powder metallurgy mechanical parts, the main physical properties of which are loose density, fluidity, formability, particle shape and so on. These properties are mainly affected by the production method of iron powder and its chemical composition. (1) Application of hinged Powder in the manufacture of Powder Metallurgical structural parts the manufacture of mechanical parts by powder metallurgy has the advantages of saving material and working hours, being easy to automate, and easy to organize mass production, which has attracted widespread attention. Has developed rapidly. Iron based powder metallurgy mechanical parts have been widely used in China's automobile, motorcycle, household appliances, electric tools, office machinery, agricultural machinery, machine tools, instruments, textile machinery, metallurgical machinery and other industrial sectors. Good technical and economic benefits have been obtained. According to incomplete statistics, the production of iron powder in China has exceeded 100000 tons in 2003, which indicates that iron powder has become a kind of important metal raw material in mechanical manufacturing industry. (2) the application of iron powder in the production of electrode, flame cutting and so on. Iron powder used in welding rod occupies a certain proportion of the total application of iron powder (Sweden accounts for 37%), Generally, adding 10% iron powder to the coating of the electrode can improve the welding performance of the electrode. Flame cutting and cleaning is another important aspect of iron powder application. The United States uses about 7000 tons of iron powder a year for this purpose. When cutting refractories (such as concrete) with hydrogen oxygen flame or acetylene flame, adding iron powder to the flame can increase the flame temperature and also play the role of solvent.