供应安捷伦 EU3458A 数字万用表
须要 仪器欢迎联系本公司
东莞市诚峻信电子仪器有限公司 总公司
联系人:曾先生13929260731 /李许丹:18122924681直线0769-82168709
Notice for European Union Customers: This non-RoHS product has been placed on the market prior to the compliance deadline and continues to be made available on the EU market under product numbers EU3458A / EU3458AX. Please contact Keysight Sales for quotation and ordering. Keysight will continue service and support for this product throughout worldwide support life.
Measurement Capability
8-ppm 1 year dcV accuracy
0.05 ppm dcV transfer accuracy
Superior AC voltage measurements
System Capability
100,000 readings per second at 4 1/2 digits
Additional Capability on EU3458AX
Extended reading memory to 148 k bytes (option 001)
High stability 4 ppm per year reference (option 002)
东莞市诚峻信电子有限公司长期 回收 供应 租赁:
示波器 网络测试仪 综合测试仪 频谱测试仪 信号发生器 噪声系数测试仪 音频测试仪 数字万用表 程控电源 功率计 频率计 阻抗测试仪 视频分* 仪 函数信号发生器 LCR电子测试仪 电子负载 万用表校准仪 示波器校准 仪 高压机 数据采集器 接收/发射机 测量接收机 电缆/天线测试仪 调制度测试仪 蓝牙综合测试仪等