产品名称:34461A 数字万用表
商品描述:Keysight(原Agilent) 34461A 6位半 Truevolt 数字万用表是 Keysight(原Agilent) 34401A 的替代产品,为您提供工业标准 34401A 的全部功能以及新增特性——具备业界唯一的 34401A 100% 接脚兼容性。
Keysight(原Agilent) 34461A数字万用表 主要特性与技术指标
• 彩色图形显示屏与内置条形图、直方图、趋势图、数学和统计功能
• 借助数字万用表连通性工具软件,只需单次点击,即可在 PC 或移动设备中控制、捕获和查看数字万用表的数据
利用 Truevolt 技术充满信心地进行测量
• 11 种测量功能:直流/交流电压、直流/交流电流、2 线和 4 线电阻、二极管、导通、频率、周期、温度
• 基础精度:0.0035% 直流,0.06% 交流
• 1000 V 最大输入电压,10 A 最大输入电流
• 业界唯一具备 SCPI 100% 接脚兼容性的型号,可作为 Keysight(原Agilent) 34401A 的替代产品
• 系统功能:1000 个读数/秒,存储器可保存 10,000 个读数
Keysight(原Agilent) Truevolt 34461A 数字万用表(DMM)是 34401A DMM 的替代产品,除了为您提供工业标准 34401A 的全部功能之外,它还具备全新的显示功能和 Truevolt 测试性能,成为业界唯一具有 34401A 100% 接脚兼容性的产品。
• 已获专利的模数转换器支持计量级架构
• 测量的是实际信号,而不是仪器误差:测量误差最小化、数字交流测量和扩展测量功能
• 全部技术指标经过测试并符合 ISO/IEC 17025 规范
新型号将会超越 34401A 的现有性能
• 业界唯一具备 SCPI 100% 接脚兼容性的产品,可作为 34401A 的替代产品
• 由 34401A 的设计团队所设计
Main characteristics and Technical Indexes of Keysight (formerly Agilent) 34461A Digital Multimete
Display of digital multimeter measurements in an unprecedented manne
• color graphic display with built-in bar charts, histograms, trend charts, mathematical and statistical functions.
• I/O:USB, LAN/LXI, GPIB (optional)
·With the help of digital multimeter connectivity tool software, you can control data in PC or mobile devices only by single click, and capture and view the data of digital multimeter.
Using Truevolt Technology to confidently measure
·11 measuring functions: DC / AC voltage, DC / AC current 2 wire and 4 wire resistance,
·diode, conduction, frequency, period, temperature, Basic precision: 0.0035% DC 0.06% AC,
·Maximum input voltage of 1000 V, maximum input current of 10A
·The only model with SCPI 100% pin compatibility in the industry can be used as an alternative to Keysight 34401A.
·System function: 1000 readings per second, memory can hold 10000 readings
Keysight (formerly Agilent Truevolt 34461A digital multimeter) is an alternative to 34401A DMM that offers you the full range of features of industry standard 34401A, as well as new display features and Truevolt test performance. Become the industryundefineds only product with 34401A 100% pin compatibility.
Focus on design quality, not measurement quality
·Patented A-D converters support metering architecture.
·The actual signal is measured, not the instrument error: minimum measurement error, digital AC measurement and extended measurement function.
·All technical specifications have been tested and conform to ISO/IEC 17025 specification.
The new model will exceed the existing capabilities of the 34401A
·The only product in the industry with SCPI 100% pin compatibility can be used as an alternative to 34401A.
·Designed by the 34401A design team