1. 它不受以下任何物质的影响: 普通生活污水中发现的流体,下水道气体和由硫化氢周期完成所产生的强酸。避免碱性和酸性腐蚀土壤。
2. 保持性能防止腐蚀,能够适应外部的电流土壤条件,无需内衬包装、涂层和阴极保护。
3. 抗磨损,抗拉伸力、抗冲击力远远优于常见的管道材料。
4. 管内部长期保持光滑,同时最大限度提高系统的容量,可以节省抽水成本。
5. 较轻的管材重量可以节省安装所需要的人力。可以现场使用电锯或普通手锯进行切割,无需使用昂贵或复杂的机械。
6. 内置环形锁定垫圈,免除旧式安装PVC排水管道现场焊接的要求。
7. 在深沟中,弹性的垫圈可以提供密封功能,可以保护整段管道不受冲击、振动、土壤移动、膨胀收缩的影响。
8. 简单的推入式连接提供了快速简易的安装,不需要现场搅拌和使用水泥。
9. 连接处在正常工作条件下将保持良好的密闭性。
JM” non-pressure buried PVC-U pipe for blowdown and drainage applies to domestic sewage and specific industrial wastewater transportation.
Product description
“JM” non-pressure buried PVC-U pipe for blowdown and drainage includes the product with outer diameter of 110mm~1200mm. Generally, the color is green. Standard length of each pipe is 4m or 6m. If you have other need, it can be decided by suppliers and buyers through negotiation.
The pipe is equipped with internally installed flaring and integrated apron. It applies to most sewerage at present. It matches with suitable adapter and transition gasket. In addition, it can be connected with cast iron or ductile iron fittings.
“JM” non-pressure buried PVC-U pipe for blowdown and drainage conforms to GB/T20221 and enterprise standard Q/QEGY03.
Product advantages
“JM” non-pressure buried PVC-U pipe for blowdown and drainage is improved in design of reserve strength and stiffness. Furthermore, bearing capacity of the system is furthest improved within reasonable cost.
1. It is not influenced by any material below: the fluid discovered in common domestic sewage, sewer gas and strong acid, alkaline and acid corrosive soil produced by completion of hydrogen sulfide cycle.
2. It keeps performance and prevents corrosion. In addition, it can adapt to external current and soil conditions. The liner packaging, coating and cathodic protection are not needed.
3. Abrasion resistance, tensile resistance and impact resistance is far superior to common pipeline material.
4. Internal pipe maintains smooth for a long time. Meanwhile, the system capacity can be improved furthest. In addition, pumping cost can be saved.
5. Light pipe weight can save manpower required for installation. Electric saw or common hand saw can be used for cutting on site. There is no need to use expensive or complicated machinery.
6. The ring locking washer is internally installed. In this way, the requirements of field welding of old PVC drainage pipeline are removed.
7. The elastic gasket can provide sealing function in deep groove. It can protect the entire pipeline from shock, vibration, soil moving and expansion and shrinkage influence.
8. Simple push type connection provides quick and easy installation. It does not need to mix and use cement on site.
9. The joint will maintain good tightness in normal working conditions.