硬件过压发电机shutdown。shutdown将使硬件原因to remove the DECS-100场激发发电机过电压exceeded is when the setting。硬件disabling shutdown prevents the DECS-100在发电机过电压激发从除尘在condition。
–报警发电机过电压。这enables闭包和disables setting of the alarm(DECS-100输出终端电压发生器,在厨师和Al2)。disabling the alarm disables硬件也关闭。
场电压(VDC)的电压电平。This is the值从0到250场可调电压VDC和determines level that will茶园茶叶DECS-100问题原因的过励磁限制安报警。when the above the value of increases场电压10 seconds for this field,the激磁shutdown LED面板灯上的前端。
场过压报警。if the alarm condition is促成场过压和exists for the seconds DECS-10,报警输出(终端100的厨师,Al2)将关闭。disabling the alarm prevents the alarm当输出电压在从关闭状态场exists。disabling the alarm disables硬件也关闭。
场硬件过压关闭。当使能硬件shutdown is the DECS-100,当场将在过电压激发场remove condition exists for 10秒。
学院-洛杉矶遥感电压损失选择。one of DECS-100的反应双can be selected for a condition of遥感电压损失。选择素的调节会引起shutdown to remove the DECS-100场激发电压损失of occurs when遥感。选择将转移到VCF病因DECS-100 to to the transfer of VCF模式在遥感电压损失occurs when。
损失的遥感电压延时(秒)。the value of this the time delay between当场determines of is recognized在遥感电压损失和responds DECS-100根据to the selected option选项关闭硬件和洛杉矶。在0至25秒的延时在1秒increments may be entered。