陶氏反渗透膜LC LE 4040技术原理是渗透的一种反向迁移运动,它主要是在压力推动下,借助半透膜的截留作用,迫使溶液中的溶剂与溶质分开。溶液浓度越高,渗透压值越大。在反渗透过程中所要施加的压力,在系统和膜强度允许的范围内,必需远大于溶液渗透压值,一般为渗透压值的几倍到近几十倍。当盐的水溶液与多孔的半透膜表面接触时,则在膜的溶液界面上选择吸附一层水分子,在反渗透压力的作用下,通过膜的毛细管作用流出纯水。并连续地流出形成界面纯水层。
陶氏反渗透膜LC LE 4040分离对象是溶解的离子和分子量几百以上的有机物,能透过溶剂而不能透过溶质的膜一般称之为理想的半透膜。当把溶剂和溶液分别置于此膜的两侧时,纯溶剂将自然穿过半透膜而自发地向溶液一侧流动。这种现象叫渗透。当渗透过程进行到溶液的液面产生一个压力,溶剂向溶液方向流动的趋势,即达到平衡,此压力称为该溶液的渗透压。
DOW FILMTEC LC 4040 product range are available to meet a wide variety of customer needs in commercial applications, from producing high purity water to delivering low total system costs. Dow’s fully automated element production enables the most consistent products in the industry that minimizes the total cost of ownership of water treatment systems. LC LE-4040 delivers high quality water at low pressure at harsh water conditions, using Dow’s innovative, proprietary technology for low energy applications.
Used In:
Commercial water demineralization
High rejection results in excellent water quality
Low energy usage reduces power consumption and costs
durable with good cleanability for long element life
Filmtec Performance and quality