9 kHz ~ 3 或 6 GHz
在 3 GHz 时提供 +24 dBm 功率,带有电子衰减器
1 GHz 和 20 kHz 偏置时,相位噪声为 -146 dBc
偏置为 1 GHz 和高于 10kHz 时,无谐波为 - 96 dBc
10 MHz 多功能发生器和低频输出
自动和通信接口1000BaseT LAN、LXI、USB 2.0 和 GPIB
向后兼容 ESG、MXG、PSG 和 8648x 信号发生器
Keysight USB 功率探头可以兼容嵌入式显示和 SCPI 控制
Shenzhen Hongrui ke Electronics Instrument Co Ltd
If necessary, please contact
Long term recovery - network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, integrated tester, Bluetooth tester, audio analyzer, oscilloscope, electronic load, DC power supply, and other second-hand instruments and meters.

Long term lease - network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, integrated tester, Bluetooth tester, audio analyzer, oscilloscope, electronic load, DC power supply, and other second-hand instruments and meters.
Long term supply - network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, integrated tester, Bluetooth tester, audio analyzer, oscilloscope, electronic load, DC power supply, and other second-hand instruments and meters.
Long-term maintenance - network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, integrated tester, Bluetooth tester, audio analyzer, oscilloscope, electronic load, DC power supply, and other second-hand instruments and meters.