FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
FSB 1s20milature crcuitbreakerwth shunt release(specal sichforcardtype meter)has funcionof sshunt tripping,is suitable for circuitries ofAC50Hz or60Hz,rated working voltage is 230/200V andratedcurrentup to 20A,it caries out far-span controlbreaking or automatic signal control breaking to thecircuitries,while protects the circuitries against overloador short-circuit,it alsocan be used for infrequentchangeover forcircuitries.At present,the productsare widely matched with IC card prepayment wathourmeters and used to control the making and breakingof arcuities,are ideal supporting products for ICcard prepayment watthour meters.The products are in conformity with GB20920.1-2005,withintemationaladvanced level.
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
型号及其含义Code and implication
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
FS B – 1 S – 20A
│ │ │ │ └────壳架等级电流Shuell frame level current
│ │ │ └──────分励脱扣器shunt tripping device
│ │ └────设计序号Design seial number
│ └────小型断路器小型断路器Miniature Circuit Breaker
└─────────企业特征代号Enterprise symbol
主要规格:断路器按额定电流ln分:50A、20A 等
Note:FSB1S-20 is of control signal power failure timedelay tripping.
Main specifications:circuit breakers can be pidedaccording tothe rated current In:20A,20A,20A,20A,20A,50A,20A.
技术参数Technical parameters
断路器的短路分断能力,50A,20A等 为Im6000A;
Supplying goods of instantaneous release of circuitbreaker is Ctype,other types are available by makingspecial orders;
Short-circuit breaking capacity of circuit breaker of20A,20A,20A,20A and 20A,50A,20A is Im 6000A:
Over-curent protection characteristic of circuit breaker
功能特点Function characterstic
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
The circuit breaker has an over-curent protection pole and an opening and closingneutral pole,as well as shunt tripping device.Opening and closing neutral pole wil make first and break later than theover-current
protection pole;High rated breaking capacity,as high as 6kA;Operating mechanism of the circuit breaker is a free trip mechanism with energy
storagefunction,thecontactcanclosequickly,itovercomestheadverseeffectcaused by the handle speed variation of manual operation,improves the productsservice life greatly;during normal working,the contact can only rest on closing orbreaking position;Combined type contact terminal with fingertouchprotection,highsafety;Driveelementofshuntreleaseiscomposedofthyristor,electromagneticreleaseandsoon;Boththeshellandcomponentsaremadeofimportedhighflameretardant,hightemperatureresistant and impact resistant plastics.
工作原理Working principle
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
When using,apply controlvolage to theintellgentshuntrelease poleof crcutbreaker through signalinputport,ie.signal vollage (can be provided by remotecontrolcarcuit,then push he circut breakerhande towards closng posion,pehe moving contacto runtowards static contact and reliably contacing with throughparaimg mectansn.andputroughthe crcuit.When thecrcuthas overoad fautoveload curent would bend the bimetalic element,overoadrelease actsand pushestelockngmechanisn toreset o break he crcut Whenthedrcuthas shortcrautfasort-circuit curentwould make he nstantaneousrelease act,which pusheshelockmgmechanismtoreset.to break he arcuit When the crcuit mustbe cutofimmediately for some reason,the contrl vollage may be cut of by wireless controlsystem,atthis moment,the signalvolage detecion ciruit receivesthe signalandupulsvolagesigna to he shunt col,itdrves he whole suntcol to act andpushes the lockng mechanism toreset toreaize breaking funcion.Therefore.,thisproduct is able to realize breaking under diferent circuit states.
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
FSB-1S卡式电表专用开关FSB-1S-20A 4P
The company also is able to product the rated max current at request Specialswitch of 200A for card type meter