The SMC9314 is a sophisticated IC featuring an on-chip 12-bit A/D Converter and logic that acts as a digital sample
and hold circuit. A separate 6bit A/D converter provides a
fixed hysteresis. The SC9314 does not have a chopper delay.
The SC9314 uses a single Hall plate which is immune to rotary
alignment problems. The bias magnet can be from 1000GS to 4000Gs.
As the signal is sampled, the logic recognizes an increasing or decreasing
flux density. The output will turn on (BOP) after the flux has reached its peak
and decreased by an amount equal to the hysteresis. Similarly the output will
turn off (BRP) after the flux has reached its minimum value and increased by
an amount equal to the hysteresis.
l High sensitivity
l Digital output signal
l Zero speed detection
l Short circuit protection
l Insensitive to orientation
l Wide voltage working range
l Self-adjusting magnetic range
l On-chip 12 bit A/D converter
l High speed operation
l No chopper delay applications
l RoHS compliant
l Camshaft sensor
l Gear tooth sensor
l Speed sensor
l Direction detection