工厂主要产品有:钢质防火门、木质防火门、钢木质防火防盗门、装甲防撬门、豪华不锈钢格栅门、不锈钢玻璃门、实木门、防火玻璃构件、钢质(复合)防火卷帘门、特级防火卷帘门、带红外遥控装置门、车库翻板门、保温门、隔音门等,工厂各类产品均经国家权威部门检测合格并获生产许可证。1) Door frames and doors with thickness greater than 50 mm shall be connected by double tenons. When assembling frames and fans, the mortise grooves should be closely embedded, bonded with glue, and tightened with glue wedges.
Note: In humid areas, water-resistant phenolic resin adhesives should be used for grade I products and semi-water-resistant uroformaldehyde resin adhesives for grade II products.
2) When making plywood doors (including fibreboard doors), the frame and the corrugations must be on the same plane, and the surface layer, the frame and the corrugations should be pressed and cemented. More than two air-permeable holes should be drilled in the Cross Ridge and the risers at the top and bottom to prevent degumming or blocking.
3) The manufacturing quality of doors shall conform to the following provisions:
(1) The surface should be polished or sanded, and there should be no scratches, burrs or hammering marks.
(2) The lines of frames and fans shall conform to the design requirements, and the cutting angles and joints shall be tightly and smoothly aligned.
(3) Small and short plywood doors and plywood or fiberboard doors are not allowed to degum. Plywood is not allowed to penetrate surface veneers and dowels.
(4) The allowable deviation of door fabrication shall comply with Table 5.1-1.