Portable H2S Warning Detector
测量气体:硫化氢(H2S)Detection gas: H2S 应用:适用于煤矿井下、冶金安环、化工市政等多种场合。★ 内含高智能单片计算机Advanced single chip microcomputer is installed in it; ★ 声、光、振、光条等多种报警方式Various forms of alarm indication: digital, sound and light, vibration and light bar; ★ 高防护等级以保证适用于恶劣环境High protection level suitable for severe condition; ★ 大屏幕高亮LED汉字显示方式High definition and high light four-digits LED display ★ 充电连续工作时间大于120小时Continuous working time after charging More than 120 h ★ 具有时间显示与设定功能Time display and setting functions; ★ 具有电池电压指示功能Battery voltage display function; ★ 可选配大型多组充电架Optional combined charging rack; ★ 可选配便携式仪器校准装置gas detector calibration device ★ 可选卓安外置吸气泵系列附件Getter pump series can be adopted in special areas. 产品特点: Product features:基本规格 Technical index:订货型号:CLH100测量气体:硫化氢(H2S)测量范围:0~100ppm测量精度:0~50ppm H2S ±3ppm 50~100ppm H2S ±真值5%出厂报警点设定值:10ppm硫化氢气体测量小常识:硫化氢气体理化性质:硫化氢(Hydrogen sulfide)为无色气体。具有臭鸡蛋气味。分子式H2S。分子量34.08。相对密度1.19。重于空气,硫化氢可燃烧,可燃上限为45.5%,下限为4.3%。通常存在于下水道、蓄粪池、井底等场所。硫化氢是一种神经毒剂。亦为窒息性和刺激性气体