KTC Fiber Cement Siding Board is a new kind of low-carbon cladding material with 3 functions:cladding,insulation and decoration.It is made from cement and plant fiber without asbestos.It is produced by vacuum and hollow extrusion molding process which process which is unique,well finished by double stages autoclaved curing. Coating and packing procee. 应用范围:外墙、商业、餐饮、院校、各类餐馆等。 产品特色:质量稳定性、绿色环保、无放射性、隔声隔热防火、层间位移、安装方便、轻质高强 规格尺寸:3000*300*15mm、3000*460*16mm、3000*600*26mm 产品案例:重庆江北嘴小学、国家核电大楼-上海、南京大学仙林校区、泰达城轨-天津、广州科学大道隧道、韩国釜山客运站。 产品特点:质量稳定 绿色环保 无放射性 隔声隔热防火 层间位移 安装方便 轻质高强