工艺类型 : 整片背胶贴钻,整条背胶贴钻,单颗背胶贴钻(1、普通 2、底胶印刷 3、底胶金葱粉) 材 质 : 亚克力(1、国产 2、台湾) 特 点 : 时尚绚丽;手感好,耐磨性高;底胶超粘不易掉钻;随撕随贴,移除后不留残胶 功能用途 : 装饰、防滑、保护外壳;可用作饰品、广告宣传、赠品、礼品 使用场所 : 可牢固的张贴在塑胶、五金、玻璃制品上 尺 寸 : 按照客户图样要求 打 样 : 交样时间一般3-7天;打样开模费用100-300元;客户确认后签样 价 格 : 按客户图样工艺复杂度、使用原料、订货数量、包装运输要求等协商 加工能力 : 1、手机钻贴纸2000张/天 2、手机壳贴钻1500个/天 3、单颗带胶钻贴50万粒/天 包 装 : 1、安全包装 2、opp胶袋 3、客户其他要求 运 输 : 快递、物流(广东省外一般为顺丰);运费到付(可另协商) 付 款 : 1、打样付款(协商可退打样费) 2、定金30%货款(收款后备料生产) 3、交货前付清余款70%货款(省内可快递代收) 交 货 : 按照客户要求
公司介绍 东莞市畅美工艺饰品有限公司是一家专业的贴钻、镶钻滴胶、粘钻、烫钻烫图、金葱粉贴、泡泡贴生产加工厂家,可根据客人的需求,生产各种图案形状随意的贴钻粘钻等饰品。 Dongguan Changmei Craft Jewelry Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of post-drilling, diamond-studded glue, sticking drill, hot drilling hot map, glitter powder paste, bubble stick production and processing, which can produce various patterns according to customers' needs. Ornaments with random shapes and sticking drills. 贴钻工艺Drilling process 贴钻工艺:主要是通过给产品的外观粘贴单颗或整片水钻,达到造型夺目,闪亮,炫丽,夸张等特点; Drilling process: mainly by attaching a single or whole piece of rhinestone to the appearance of the product, to achieve the characteristics of eye-catching, shiny, dazzling, exaggerated; 贴钻流程Drilling process 1,选色:设计外观造型,根据产品搭配钻石颜色; 2,配胶:根据不同的产品运用不同的胶水,并按照一定比例进行调配; 3,点钻:工作人员根据样品,开始点钻操作,并由质检人员现场指导与检查; 4,包装:根据客户的需求,检查产品并包装好产品,等待出货; 1, color selection: design appearance, according to the product with diamond color; 2, with glue: use different glue according to different products, and according to a certain proportion of the deployment; 3, point drilling: the staff starts the drilling operation according to the sample, and the quality inspection personnel on-site guidance and inspection; 4, packaging: according to customer needs, check the product and package the product, waiting for shipment; 贴金葱粉工艺Paste powder process 利用喷枪借助压力,把涂料分散成均匀、细微的雾滴,喷射在被涂物表面 工艺流程 :胶水(水性、油性) --->撒粉上去 ---> 自然风干(烘干) Using a spray gun to disperse the paint into uniform, fine droplets by means of pressure, spraying on the surface of the object to be coated Process: glue (water, oil) ---> dust up ---> natural air drying (drying) 烫钻烫图Hot drilling hot map 将钻石镶到皮革、布料等一些材料上,使其成品更加美观、漂亮的一种技术。 排钻:不同形状不同颜色的烫钻,按照实际需求排成的图案,一般是排在一层白色的有纹路的塑料纸上,其上再覆盖一层透明的塑料薄膜以做保护。 A technique in which a diamond is placed on some materials such as leather and cloth to make the finished product more beautiful and beautiful. Hot map drilling: hot drilling of different shapes and colors, according to the actual needs of the pattern, usually placed on a layer of white textured plastic paper, which is covered with a transparent plastic film for protection. 滴胶工艺Epoxy process 由高纯度环氧树脂、固化剂及其其他改质组成。其固化产物具有耐水、耐化学腐蚀、晶莹剔透之特点。 对工艺制品表面取到良好的保护作用外,还可增加其表面光泽与亮度,进一步增加表面装饰。 适效果用与金属、陶瓷、玻璃、有机玻璃等材料制作的工艺品表面装饰与保护。 It consists of high-purity epoxy resin, curing agent and other modifications. The cured product has the characteristics of water resistance, chemical resistance and crystal clearness. In addition to the good protection of the surface of the craft product, it can also increase the surface gloss and brightness, and further increase the surface decoration. Suitable for surface decoration and protection of handicrafts made of materials such as metal, ceramics, glass, and plexiglass