广东颐迈速派智能装备有限公司(广东速帕尔机械科技有限公司),成立于2012年03月07日,公司注册资本:人民币壹仟万元,经营范围:经营范围研发、制造木工机械设备及技术的进出口业务等。是中国木工机械行业的高新技术企业,通过持续的自主创新和专业专注、稳健而高速的发展,一迈速派(以下简称“速派”)品牌已成为中国现代化板式家具封边机设备的标杆。 速派的核心竞争力是自主技术开发和品质管理体系,通过引进国外的技术力量,构成了具备强大的持续性自主研发能力的团队,取得了多个发明专利和专有技术。速帕尔公司以打造高端封边机为发展方向,现公司产品有整厂规划、高速封边机、自动换带12通道、斜边封边机、双端封边机等。 随着定制家居行业的兴起,家居行业对封边机的需求发生了巨大的变化,小板多、颜色多、要求胶线小,为了解决客户的诸多难题,总经理王泽义先生带领速派人潜心研发,推出了“窄板封边机”、“双色和多色胶锅封边机”、“PUR涂胶封边机”,这在行业里是首创,真正的做到了设备的定制。 为了响应国家号召,智能智造,工业4.0,大数据管理,信息化制造,二维码数据采集,整厂流水线作业,速派人又研发了PC控制,可扫码的数控高速封边机,可实现与软件、系统对接,扫码自动调机、自动换带,数据实时传输反馈,封边机双机错位封连线,U型连线,四机连线。 国家对环保的严查,对各行各业的供应链带来了影响。油漆不能喷,很多橱柜、门板企业停业,或者搬迁,为了解决喷漆难题,速派人研发出了免漆门板封边机--“无缝封边”,如UV板材,亚克力板,PETG板等,封完边后看不到胶缝,实现了完美封边。 Guangdong Super Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 7th March 2012 , the registered capital of the company: RMB ten million yuan, business scope of R & D, manufacturing woodworking machinery and equipment and technology import and export business. It's a high-tech enterprise in China's woodworkingmachinery industry. Through continuous independent innovation and professional attention, steady and high-speed development, IMAI SUPER (hereinafter referred to as "SUPER") brand has become the benchmark of modern Chinese plate furniture edge banding machine. Speed competition's core competitiveness is independent technology development and quality management system. By introducing foreign technology power, it has formed a team with strong sustainable R & D capabilities, and has made several inventions and proprietary technologies. SUPER company is developing the high-class edge banding machine. Our company has the whole plant planning, high-speed edge banding machine, automatic belt changing 12 channel, beveling edge banding machine, double end edge banding machine and so on. With the development of customized Home Furnishing industry, Home Furnishing industry demand for edge machine and has undergone tremendous changes, more and more requirements, small color glue line, in order to solve the problems of customers, CEO Mr.Wang Zeyi lead the SUPER people of painstaking research and development, launched the "narrow edge machine, double color and multi-color glue pot banding machine", "PUR glue banding machine", this is the first in the industry to achieve customized equipment. In response to the national call made intelligent,industry 4.0, big data management, manufacturing information, two dimensional code data acquisition, the entire factory assembly line, SUPER people has developed PC control, high speed CNC banding machine scan code, can achieve docking with the software, system, scan code automatic machine, automatic belt. The real-time data transmission feedback, edge banding machine dislocation sealing. |