赵经理-手机:159-1864-8146(V信)QQ:3358297247可以满足不同客户对产品的个性化需求。 It can meet the inpidual needs of different customers. 现在的道路护栏已经不再像传统型材那样色彩单一。 Now the road guardrail is no longer as simple as the traditional profile. 当人们近距离接触这些色彩多样产品的时候,会惊叹于这些产品的出现。 When people are in close contact with these colorful products, they will be amazed at the emergence of these products. 最近几年市政护栏、草坪护栏等产品畅销全国各大中小城市、乡镇。 In recent years, municipal guardrails, lawn guardrails and other products have been sold well in major and medium-sized cities and towns across the country.