马赛克六角型马赛克瓦六边型的组合,相互连接的色块演译了优雅与宁静,利用简约、明朗、流畅的线条设计,以点、线、面的相互揉和,营造极富张力的质感,使屋面呈现完美而浓重的仿古郊口,给您带来清新雅致的视觉享受与舒适大气的居住体验,为您的屋面演译着一份绚丽与多姿;创新的自粘全背胶特色增强了其抗风揭能力和屋面的自我保护,广泛适用于排屋、经适房、D木屋、会所等10度以上的屋面。The hexagon combination and the connected color lump of the mosaic hexagonal shingle interpret elegancy and tranquility. The simple, clear and smooth line design, and the integration of points, lines and areas, builo an in-depth tensional sense and added a perfect and dense archaistic flavor to the roof appearance. Therefore, you can have fresh and elegant visual enjoyment and comfortable and free living experience while staying in he house. This shingle is florid and varied colorful scenery on your roof. The innovative self-adhesive tape both increases the wind resistance and the self-protection ability of the roof. It can be widely used in terraces, affordable housings, hotels, log cabins and clubs with roof grades greater than 10-degree in any environment.
